As the world's most dynamic region, Asia embodies explosive economic growth, diverse political systems, vibrant societies, modernizing militaries, cutting-edge technologies, rich cultural traditions amid globalization, and strategic competition among major powers. As a result, international relations in Asia are evolving rapidly. In this fully updated and expanded volume, leading scholars from Asia, Europe, and North America offer the most current and definitive analysis available of Asia's regional relationships. They set developments in Asia in theoretical context, assess the role of leading external and regional powers, and consider the importance of subregional actors and linkages. Combining interpretive richness and factual depth, their essays provide an authoritative and stimulating overview. Students of contemporary Asian affairs-new to the field and old hands alike-will find this book an invaluable read.
Contributions by: Amitav Acharya, Sebastian Bersick, Nayan Chanda, Ralph A. Cossa, Michael Green, Samuel S. Kim, Edward J. Lincoln, Martha Brill Olcott, T.V. Paul, Phillip C. Saunders, David Shambaugh, Sheldon W. Simon, Scott Snyder, Robert Sutter, Hugh White, and Michael Yahuda
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: International Relations in Asia: A Multidimensional Analysis
David Shambaugh
Part II: Legacies and Theories
Chapter 2: The Evolving Asian System: Three Transformations
Samuel S. Kim
Chapter 3: Thinking Theoretically about Asian IR
Amitav Acharya
Part III: The Role of External Powers
Chapter 4: The United States in Asia: Durable Leadership
Robert Sutter
Chapter 5: Europe's Role in Asia: Distant but Involved
Sebastian Bersick
Part IV: Regional Powers
Chapter 6: China's Role in Asia: Attractive or Assertive?
Phillip C. Saunders
Chapter 7: India's Role in Asia: A Rising Regional Power
T.V. Paul
Chapter 8: Japan's Role in Asia: Searching for Certainty
Michael Green
Part V: Sub-Regional Actors
Chapter 9: ASEAN and Southeast Asia: Remaining Relevant
Sheldon W. Simon
Chapter 10: Australia's Choices in the Asian Century
Hugh White
Chapter 11: Central Asia: The End of the "Great Game"?
Martha Brill Olcott
Chapter 12: The Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Stability
Scott Snyder
Part VI: Transregional Linkages and Dynamics
Chapter 13: The Asian Regional Economy
Edward J. Lincoln
Chapter 14: Globalization and International Relations in Asia
Nayan Chanda
Chapter 15: Security Dynamics in East Asia
Ralph A. Cossa
Part VII: Conclusion
Chapter 16: Looking Ahead: A New Asian Order?
Michael Yahuda
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