Morphologische Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen


Morphologische Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen

Hermann Osthoff, Karl Brugmann

(Cambridge library collection, . Linguistics)

Cambridge University Press, 2013

  • v. 1 : pbk
  • v. 2 : pbk
  • v. 3 : pbk
  • v. 4 : pbk
  • v. 5 : pbk
  • v. 6 : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Reprint. Originally published: Leipzig : S. Hirzel , 1878-1910

"This digitally printed version 2013"--T.p. verso



v. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108062978


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. The preface to Volume 1 (1878) contains the 'Neogrammarian Manifesto' which states categorically that there are no exceptions in the laws of sound change, while new languages are formed only in relation to already existing languages.


  • Vorwort
  • 1. Das verbale Suffix 'a' im Indogermanischen
  • 2. Formassociation bei Zahlwoertern
  • 3. Zur Geschichte der Personalendungen
  • 4. Die arische Passivbildung
  • 5. Kleine Beitrage zur Declinationslehre.

v. 2 : pbk ISBN 9781108062985


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. In Volume 2 (1879) the authors focus on explaining very specific elements in the development of Indo-European languages. They account for the rules of declination and the use of suffixes in various combinations.


  • 1. Kleine Beitrage zur Declinationslehre (cont.)
  • 2. Die schwache Form der Nominalstamme auf '-n'.

v. 3 : pbk ISBN 9781108062992


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. In Volume 3 (1880), Brugmann explains the rules for conjugation and focuses particularly on how the aorist tense in Greek, Italian and Celtic is formed. He also gives an account of the vowels a, e and o.


  • 1. Beitrage zur Conjugationslehre
  • 2. Zur Beurtheilung der Vocale 'a, e, o'
  • 3. Lat. quaeso, quaero
  • 4. Die Lautgruppe dentale explosiva + t im Indogermanischen
  • 5. Die siebente Prasenclasse des Arischen.

v. 4 : pbk ISBN 9781108063005


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. Volume 4 (1881) is devoted entirely to Osthoff's study of vowel gradation in Indo-European languages. He makes it clear that his recent research on vowels has led him to revise his earlier views.


  • 1. Die Tiefstufe im indogermanischen Vocalismus
  • 2. Miscellen
  • 3. Suum cuique.

v. 5 : pbk ISBN 9781108063012


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. Volume 5 (1890) comprises various essays, including an account of how the numbers 10 and 100 are formed within Indo-European languages and an excursus detailing the forming of the nominative and accusative cases.


  • Vorwort
  • 1. Die Bildung der Zehner und der Hunderter in dem indogermanischen Sprachen
  • 2. Anlautend indog. 'sr-' im Lateinischen
  • 3. Die Lautgruppe 'mr' im Lateinsichen, Germanischen und Altindischen
  • 4. Nochmals gr. 'heptakosioi' etc.
  • 5. Register zu Band I bis V.

v. 6 : pbk ISBN 9781108063029


Hermann Osthoff (1847-1909) and Karl Brugmann (1849-1919) were central figures in the circle of German scholars who rejected a doctrinal approach to the study of linguistics. They came to be known as the Neogrammarian school. At the core of their work was the theory that European languages, together with a subset of languages found in central and southern Asia, have a common origin in a single prehistoric language. They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness. This six-volume elaboration of this thesis was published between 1878 and 1910. Volume 6 (1910) contains a number of essays, including one on the common roots of the word 'light' in Greek and Latin, along with further etymological and morphological analyses.


  • Vorwort
  • 1. Die Sippe leicht
  • 2. Zu primaren Komparativ- und Superlativbildung
  • 3. Etymologisches zur Steigerungsformenbildung
  • 4. Morphologische Miszellen
  • 5. Register zu band VI.

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  • ISBN
    • 9781108062978
    • 9781108062985
    • 9781108062992
    • 9781108063005
    • 9781108063012
    • 9781108063029
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    6 v.
  • 大きさ
    22 cm
  • 親書誌ID

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