In Rhetorics of Insecurity, Zeynep Gambetti and Marcial Godoy-Anativia bring together a select group of scholars to investigate the societal ramifications of the present-day concern with security in diverse contexts and geographies. The essays claim that discourses and practices of security actually breed insecurity, rather than merely being responses to the latter. By relating the binary of security/insecurity to the binary of neoliberalism/neoconservatism, the contributors to this volume reveal the tensions inherent in the proliferation of individualism and the concurrent deployment of techniques of societal regulation around the globe. Chapters explore the phenomena of indistinction, reversal of terms, ambiguity, and confusion in security discourses. Scholars of diverse backgrounds interpret the paradoxical simultaneity of the suspension and enforcement of the law through a variety of theoretical and ethnographic approaches, and they explore the formation and transformation of forms of belonging and exclusion. Ultimately, the volume as a whole aims to understand one crucial question: whether securitized neoliberalism effectively spells the end of political liberalism as we know it today.
ContentsAcknowledgments ixIntroduction. States of (In)security: Coming to Terms with an Erratic Terrain 1Zeynep Gambetti and Marcial Godoy-Anativia1 Free in the Forest: Popular Neoliberalism and the Aftermath of War in the US Pacific Northwest 20Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing2 Autochthony, Citizenship, and (In)security: New Turns in the Politics of Belonging in Africa and Elsewhere 40Peter Geschiere3 Congolite: Elections and the Politics of Autochthony in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 69Stephen Jackson4 Securing "Security" amid Neoliberal Restructuring:Civil Society and Volunteerism in Post-1990 Turkey 93Yasemin Ipek Can5 "I'm No Terrorist, I'm a Kurd": Societal Violence, the State, and the Neoliberal Order 125Zeynep Gambetti6 Public-Private Partnerships in the Industry of Insecurity 153Nandini SundarNYUP Gambetti Godoy-Anativia Final.indd 7 6/12/13 10:39 AMviii Contents7 Does Globalization Breed Ethnic Violence? 175Georgi M. Derluguian8 Guarded (In)visibility: Violencias and the Labors of Paralegality in the Era of Collapse 196Rossana Reguillo Cruz9 The Securitarian Society of the Spectacle 213Nicholas De GenovaContributors 243Index 247
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