Subtilitas : works of Satoshi Minami
ALM Records, p2013
Subtilitas : 南聡作品集
For flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, and piano (1st work); for flute, violoncello, and piano (2nd); for piano (3rd); for flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, viola, violoncello, piano, and percussion (4th)
Jun-ichiro Taku (1st and 4th works), Kaori Anta (2nd), flutes ; Yoshinori Mikame (1st), Yuta Saito (4th), clarinets ; Satoshi Yamazaki, trumpet (4th) ; Madoka Sato, violin (1st and 4th) ; Utaka Fujiwara, viola (4th) ; Tomoki Tai (1st and 4th), Friederike Kienle (2nd), violoncellos ; Mariko Anraku, harp (5th) ; Yukie Koyama (1st and 4th), Toshiaki Ishida (2nd), Yuka Ozaki (3rd), pianos ; Yuji Shingai, percussion (4th) ; Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra (5th) ; Kanade Yokoyama (1st and 4th), Tetsuji Honna (5th), conductors
Recorded: Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, 18 October 2012 (1st-4th works); Bunkyo Civic Hall, 22 September 2002 (5th)
Compact disc
ALM Records: ALCD-97