著者名 書名 版表示 出版者名 出版年 シリーズ名 番号 ISBN ISSN URL Berry, George Andreas and Bramwell, Byrom and Fragstein, v. and Kempner and Gourfein, D. and Hanke, Victor and Herzenstein, Ulrich and Hirschberg, J. (Julius) and Jeffries, John Amory and Kipp, Charles J. (Charles John) and Landolt, E. and Meyer, August and Mittendorf, William Frederick and Möbius, P. J. and Mühsam, Wilhelm and Pfalz and Posey, William Campbell and Rosenstein, Hugo and Rossolimo, G. and Thiel, Ulrich and Uhthoff and Westphal, C. and Ziem Case of ophthalmoplegia externa acuta, probably due to a scrofulous lesion of the pons Varolii : recovery In-house reproduction https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB14073670