The world is becoming more transnational. This edited collection examines how the immense transnational changes in the contemporary world are being produced by and are affecting different men and masculinities. It seeks to shift debates on men, masculinities and gender relations from the strictly local and national context to much greater concern with the transnational and global. Established and rising scholars from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America explore subjects including economies and business corporations; sexualities and the sex trade; information and communication technologies and cyberspace; migration; war, the military and militarism; politics; nationalism; and symbolism and image-making.
1. Introducing and Rethinking Transnational Men Jeff Hearn and Marina Blagojevic Part I: Rethinking Transnational Men Beyond the Nation Introduction: Jeff Hearn 2. Re-Thinking Hegemonic Masculinity in Transnational Context Chris Beasley 3. Embodying Serious Power: Managerial Masculinities in the Security Sector Raewyn Connell 4. The "Agency" of Men: Male Buyers in the Global Sex Industry Sheila Jeffreys 5. Geek Myths: Technologies, Masculinities, Globalizations David Bell 6. Hegemony, Transpatriarchies, ICTs and Virtualization Jeff Hearn, Alp Biricik, Helga Sadowski and Katherine Harrison Part II: Rethinking Transnational Men Between Nations Introduction: Marina Blagojevic 7. Subversions of Techno-Masculinity: Indian ICT Professionals in the Global Economy Winifred R. Poster 8. Why Masculinity Is Still an Important Category: [Trans]migrant Men and the Migration Experience Richard Howson 9. Racializing Masculinities in Different Diasporic Spaces: Iranian Born Men's Navigation of Race, Masculinities, and the Politics of Difference Fataneh Farahani 10. Transnationalization and its Absence: The Balkan Semiperipheral Perspective on Masculinities Marina Blagojevic Part III: Rethinking Transnational Men Within Nations Introduction: Katherine Harrison 11. Hegemonic Masculinities and the "Selling" of War: Lessons from George W. Bush James W. Messerschmidt 12. Nationalist Reactions and Masculinity Following Hrant Dink's Assassination: Reconfigurations of Nation-states and Implications for the Processes of Transnationalization Nurseli Yesim Sunbuloglu 13. Zooming In and Out: Historical Icons of Masculinity Within and Across Nations Tetyana Bureychak
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