Introduction to national systems : national characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law
edited by Ulrich Sieber, Konstanze Jarvers, Emily Silverman
(Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg i. Br, . Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte ; Bd. S 128 . National criminal law in a comparative legal context ; v. 1)
Duncker & Humblot , Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, c2013-
1 : Duncker & Humblot326.08:B32:128-1-11322007706,
1 : Duncker & Humblot211538523,
Gakushuin University Library 法経 1 : Duncker & Humblot326A/N57n/1(1)/N0200624373, The University of Kitakyushu Library 1 : Duncker & Humblot326/Si2/10006045702,
1 : Duncker & Humblot326.1||B397||S128/1/141582915,
1 : Duncker & Humblot326.08||B 32||128-1-1B0000579200Y, 1 : Duncker & Humblot326.1||N277||1-12117886,
Ritsumeikan University Main Library 1 : Max-Planck-Institut11002892430, 1 : Duncker & Humblot11400053837, 1. England and Wales, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland -- 2. Australia, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece, South Korea -- 3. China, Japan, Poland, Turkey -- 4. Austria, France, Russia, Uganda -- 5. India, Italy, Romania, Spain Includes bibliographical referencesNote
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