%A 経済産業省 %A 新日本有限責任監査法人 %A 日本貿易振興機構 %A 八千代エンジニヤリング %A JFE Engineering Co., Ltd. %A 月島機械株式会社 %A Tsukishima Kankyo Engineering Ltd. %A Seika Corp. %T Study on the industrial waste treatment and waster-to-energy project in Binh Duong province, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam : final report %I Prepared for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry : Ernst & Young SinNihon LLC : Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) %D 2013 %S Study on Economic Partnership Projects in developing countries in FY2012 %V %U https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB1336566X