This innovative Research Handbook brings together leading international law scholars from around the world to discuss and highlight the contemporary debate regarding issues of conflict prevention and the legality of resorting to the use of armed force through to those arising during an armed conflict and in the phase between conflict and peace.
The Handbook covers key conceptual topics drawn from across the three areas of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. The subject matter of the included chapters range from conflict prevention through to reparation and compensation, via coverage of issues such as disarmament, the role of the Security Council, self-defense, humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect, targets, war crimes, private military contractors, peacekeeping, and the protection of human rights.
Being the first to examine topics under these areas in one volume, the book will be of interest to scholars, academics, postgraduate and research students as well as government lawyers from various disciplinary backgrounds looking for a contemporary grounding in issues under the broad theme of international conflict and security law.
Contributors: C. Bell, R. Cryer, C. De Cock, C. Gray, V. Hadzi-Vidanovic, M. Happold, C. Henderson, K. Hulme, D. Kritsiotis, C. Lehnardt, K. Manusama, M. Milanovic, M.E. O'Connell, A. Orakhelashvili, N. Ronzitti, T. Ruys, M. Sossai, N. Tsagourias, D. Turns, N.D. White, R. Wilde
Introduction: International Conflict and Security Law
Christian Henderson and Nigel D. White
1. Conflict Prevention
Kenneth Manusama
2. Disarmament and Non-proliferation
Mirko Sossai
3. The Prohibition of Threats of Force
Nicholas Tsagourias
4. The Prohibition of the Use of Force
Mary Ellen O'Connell
5. The Centrality of the United Nations Security Council in the Legal Regime Governing the Use of Force
Christian Henderson
6. A Study of the Scope and Operation of the Rights of Individual and Collective Self-defence under International Law
Dino Kritsiotis
7. The Use of Force for Humanitarian Purposes
Christine Gray
8. A Taxonomy of Armed Conflict
Marko Milanovic and Vidan Hadzi-Vidanovic
9. Weapons
Karen Hulme
10. Targets
David Turns
11. Protected Persons in International Armed Conflicts
Tom Ruys and Christian De Cock
12. Private Military Companies
Chia Lehnardt
13. International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
Matthew Happold
14. War Crimes
Robert Cryer
15. Peace Settlements and International Law: From Lex Pacificatoria to Jus Post Bellum
Christine Bell
16. Foreign Territorial Administration and International Trusteeship over People: Colonialism, Occupation, the Mandates and Trusteeship Arrangements, and International Territorial Administration
Ralph Wilde
17. Peacekeeping or War-Fighting?
Nigel D. White
18. Human Rights Protection During Extra-territorial Military Operations: Perspectives on International and English Law
Alexander Orakhelashvili
19. Reparation and Compensation
Natalino Ronzitti
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