The pawnbroker ; The deadly affair
Quincy Jones
Verve , 販売: ポリグラム, c1996
Rod steiger in the pawnbroker
ザ・デッドリィ・アフェアー : オリジナル サウンドトラック
Sung in English (1st and 11th-12th works) and scat (5th-6th, 8th, 13th-19th, 21st-22nd, and 24th-25th); in English (7th)
Added title from leaflet
All composed, arranged, and conducted by Quincy Delight Jones, Jr
Quincy Jones's orchestra
Recorded: 1965 in New York City (1st-11th works); 1966 at Van Gelder Recording Studio (12th-23rd)
Compact disc
Verve: 314 531 233-2
ポリグラム: PHCA-2015
ポリグラム: 531 233-2