The history of the Mohammedan dynasties in Spain : extracted from the Nafhu-t-tíb min ghosni-l-Andalusi-r-rattíb wa táríkh lisánu-d-dín Ibni-l-Khattíb
by Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makkarí ; translated from the copies in the library of the British Museum, and illustrated with critical notes on the history, geography, and antiquities of Spain by Pascual de Gayangos
Nabu Public Domain reprints, [201-]
Nafh al-ṭīb min ghus̲n al-Andālus al-rātib wa tārīkh Lisān al-Dīn ibn al-Khaṭīb
Nafh al-ṭīb min ghus̲n al-Andālus al-rātib wa tārīkh Lisān al-Dīn ibn al-Khaṭīb
Kobe University Library for Humanities
v. 1236-04-HIS//1020201300230,
v. 1: [by] A?mad ibn Mu?ammed Maqqar?, Ibn al-Kha??b
v. 2: [by] A?mad ibn Mu?ammed Maqqar?
Facsim. reprint. Originally published: London : Oriental translation fund , 1840-1843
Includes bibliographical references and index