Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Sport explores the philosophical significance of sport - the phenomenological experience, the training, coaching, and the competition - from a uniquely pragmatic angle of vision. The philosophical insights of John Dewey, William James, C.S. Peirce, Jane Addams, and Josiah Royce shed new light on the meaning of the physical practices that take place on our soccer fields, national arenas, backyards, and playgrounds. Interestingly, a close examination of these contemporary practices allows us to understand a wide array of ethical, epistemological and metaphysical commitments that the American pragmatic tradition has articulated for more than a century. Pragmatism's insistence that truth be embodied in the practical consequences of everyday life, its balancing of communal and individual purposes, its emphasis on the role of chance and spontaneity in experience - resonate with the findings of modern kinesiology and sport science.
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Introduction: Pragmatism and the Seasoned Practitioner - Richard Lally
Chapter 1: Process and the Sport Experience-Douglas R. Hochstetler
Chapter 2: Peircean Reflections on the Personality of a Futbol Club-Daniel Campos
Chapter 3: Paddling in the Stream of Consciousness-John Kaag
Chapter 4: Running in Place: Significance on the Treadmill?-Doug Hochstetler
Chapter 5: Where Should LeBron's Loyalty Lie? Where Should Ours?-Mathew A. Foust
Chapter 6: Agapastic Coaching-Tim Elcombe
Chapter 7: Gender, Sports and the Ethics of Teammates-Brent Crouch
Chapter 8: Dick Butkus, Pragmatism, and Performance Art-Douglas Anderson
Chapter 9: Towards a Somatic Sport Feminism-Joan Grassbaugh Forry
Chapter 10: Living the Injury-Jill Tracey
Chapter 11: Deweyan Pragmatism and Self-Cultivation-Richard Lally
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