A Companion to Luis Bunuel presents a collection of critical readings by many of the foremost film scholars that examines and reassesses myriad facets of world-renowned filmmaker Luis Bunuel's life, works, and cinematic themes.
A collection of critical readings that examine and reassess the controversial filmmaker's life, works, and cinematic themes
Features readings from several of the most highly-regarded experts on the cinema of Bunuel
Includes a multidisciplinary range of approaches from experts in film studies, Hispanic studies, Surrealism, and theoretical concepts such as those of Gilles Deleuze
Presents a previously unpublished interview with Luis Bunuel's son, Juan Luis Bunuel
Contributors viii
Acknowledgments xviii
Introduction: The "Criminal" Life of Luis Bunuel 1
Rob Stone and Julian Daniel Gutierrez-Albilla
Part One An Aragonese Dog 59
1 Interview with Juan Luis Bunuel 61
Rob Stone
2 Luis Bunuel and the Politics of Self-Presentation 79
Julie Jones
3 Bunuel, Master Pyrotechnician: The Role of Firearms in His Cinema 98
Guy H. Wood and Javier Herrera Navarro
4 Bunuel's Critique of Nationalism: A Migratory Aesthetic? 116
Mieke Bal
Part Two A Golden Age 139
5 Surreal Souls: Un chien andalou and Early French Film Theory 141
Sarah Cooper
6 Fixed-Explosive: Bunuel's Surrealist Time-Image 156
Ramona Fotiade
7 L'Age d'or 172
Agustin Sanchez Vidal
8 Bunuel Entomographer: From Las Hurdes to Robinson Crusoe 188
Tom Conley
Part Three The Forgotten One 203
9 The Complicit Eye: Directorial and Ocular Paradigms in Luis Bunuel's Mexican Films and Interdisciplinary Visuality (1940s and 1950s) 205
Erica Segre
10 Out of Place, Out of Synch: Errant Movement and Rhythm in Bunuel's Mexican Comedies 226
Tom Whittaker
11 Susana: Melodrama and the Voluptuosity of Destruction 240
Maria Pilar Rodriguez
12 Young Outlaws and Marginal Lives in Latin American Cinema: The Landmark of Bunuel's Los olvidados 255
Ana Morana
Part Four Strange Passions 277
13 The Creative Process of Robinson Crusoe: Exile, Loneliness, and Humanism 279
Amparo Martinez Herranz
14 The Cinematic Labor of Affect: Urbanity and Sentimental Education in El bruto and Ensayo de un crimen 302
Geoffrey Kantaris
15 Stars in the Wilderness: La Mort en ce jardin 324
Sarah Leahy
16 Transitional Triptych: The Traps of International Cinemas in Bunuel's Cela s'appelle l'aurore, La Mort en ce jardin, and La Fievre monte a El Pao 340
Ernesto R. Acevedo-Munoz
17 Bunuel Goes Medieval: From Sewing to Cervantes and the Vagina Dentata 362
Sherry Velasco
Part Five An Exterminating Angel 379
18 The Galdos Intertext in Viridiana 381
Sally Faulkner
19 Spectral Cinema: Le Journal d'une femme de chambre 399
Kate Griffiths
20 Between God and the Machine: Bunuel's Cine-Miracles 414
Libby Saxton
21 The Road and the Room: Narrative Drive in the Films of Luis Bunuel 431
Marsha Kinder
Part Six Discretion and Desire 455
22 On a Road to Nowhere: Parodic Movement as Time-Image in La Voie lactee and Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie 457
Sheldon Penn
23 The Intertextual Presence of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Belle de jour 479
Arnaud Duprat de Montero
24 Splitting Doubles: Angela Molina and the Art of Screen Acting in Cet obscur objet du desir 494
Peter William Evans
25 Bunuel and Historical Reason 509
Cristina Moreiras-Menor
26 Through a Fractal Lens: New Perspectives on the Narratives of Luis Bunuel 518
Wendy Everett
Part Seven And in the Spring 535
27 Mutilation, Misogyny, and Murder: Surrealist Violence or Torture Porn? 537
Paul Begin
28 Inside/Outside: Space and Sexual Behavior in Belle de jour and La Pianiste 554
Jimmy Hay
29 Surrealist Legacies: The Inf luence of Luis Bunuel's "Irrationality" on Hiroshi Teshigahara's "Documentary-fantasy" 572
Felicity Gee
30 Luis Bunuel's Angel and Maya Deren's Meshes: Trance and the Cultural Imaginary 590
Susan McCabe
Filmography 608
Index 624
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