Edited by two renowned Allen experts, A Companion to Woody Allen presents a collection of 26 original essays on the director's films. Contributions offer a number of divergent critical perspectives while expanding the contexts in which his work is understood.
A timely companion by the authors of two of the most important books on Allen to date
Illuminates the films of Woody Allen from a number of divergent critical perspectives
Explores the contexts in which his work should be understood
Assesses Allen's remarkable filmmaking career from its early beginnings and investigates the conflicts and contradictions that suffuse it
Discusses Allen's recognition as a global cinematic figure
Notes on Contributors viii
Acknowledgments xii
Introduction 1
Peter J. Bailey
Part I Biography/Autobiography/Auteurism 13
1 The Stand-up Auteur 15
Cecilia Sayad
2 Which Woody Allen? 35
Colleen Glenn
3 Woody Allen and France 53
Gilles Menegaldo
4 "Raging in the Dark": Late Style in Woody Allen's Films 73
Christopher J. Knight
5 A Difficult Redemption: Facing the Other in Woody Allen's Exilic Period 95
John Douglas Macready
6 Comic Faith and Its Discontents: Death and the Late Woody 116
Robert M. Polhemus
Part II Movies about the Movies 145
7 Critical Theory and the Cinematic World of Woody Allen 147
Stephen Papson
8 Crimes and Misdemeanors: Reflections on Refl exivity 170
Gregg Bachman
9 Play it Again, Woody: Self-Reflexive Critique in Contemporary Woody Allen Films 188
Claire Sisco King
10 Jazz Heaven: Woody Allen and the Hollywood Ending 207
Christopher Ames
Part III Allen and His Sisters: Cultural Critiques 227
11 "Here . . . It's Not Their Cup of Tea": Woody Allen's Melodramatic Tendencies in Interiors, September, Another Woman, and Alice 229
Cynthia Lucia
12 "It's Complicated, Really": Women in the Films of Woody Allen 257
Joanna E. Rapf
13 Woody Allen's Grand Scheme: The Whitening of Manhattan, London, and Barcelona 277
Renee R. Curry
14 Love and Citation in Midnight in Paris: Remembering Modernism, Remembering Woody 294
Katherine Fusco
Part IV Influences/Intertextualities 319
15 Taking the Tortoise for a Walk: Woody Allen as Flaneur 321
William Brigham
16 Lurking in Shadows: Kleinman's Trial and Defense 339
Iris Bruce
17 Woody Allen and the Literary Canon 359
William Hutchings
18 "Who's He When He's at Home?": A Census of Woody Allen's Literary, Philosophical, and Artistic Allusions 381
J. Andrew Gothard
19 The Schlemiel in Woody Allen's Later Films 403
Menachem Feuer
20 Barcelona: City of Refuge 424
Brian Bergen-Aurand
Part V Philosophy/Religion 441
21 Woody Allen and the (False) Dichotomy of Science and Religion 443
Mark T. Conard
22 The Philosopher as Filmmaker 460
David Detmer
23 Disappearing Act: The Trick Philosophy of Woody Allen 481
Patrick Murray and Jeanne A. Schuler
24 Love, Meaning, and God in the Later Films of Woody Allen 504
Sander Lee
25 Hollywood Rabbi: The Never-Ending Questions of Woody Allen 520
Monica Osborne
26 Allen's Random Universe in His European Cycle: Morality, Marriage, Magic 539
Richard A. Blake
27 Afterword: The Abyss: Woody Allen on Love, Death, and God 559
Sam B. Girgus
Index 573
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