In more developed democracies, such as the US and Germany, interest groups both shape and promote public opinion. Regrettably, this is not always true in South Africa's nascent system. This anthology tries to understand why interest groups do not affect or advance public opinion in South Africa and then suggests how interest groups can redress the situation.
Acknowledgements. Preface. Foreword. Abbreviations and acronyms. Author biographies. Introduction: Part 1: Public opinion and interest group politics around the world: Instructive insight?: Special interests and how they help shape US legislation: Interesting possibilities or potential pitfalls?
Fundraising for social change in the US: Interest group advocacy in contemporary US elections
Interest groups in the German political system: Advice for South Africa?. Part 2: Public opinion and interest group politics in South Africa: Comparing perspectives: Understanding the South African political psyche
The character of the South African state: The self-understanding of the ANC as government and its impact on the public space
The methodology of polling public opinion in South Africa: Measuring the pulse of the people
Managing public opinion during the 2009 South African elections
The possibilities of election campaigns as sites for political advocacy: South Africa in comparative perspective
Challenges for interest groups and their advocacy campaigns: The case of sustainable medium density housing
An interest group at work: Environmental activism and the case of acid mine drainage on Johannesburg's West Rand. Championing public opinion: A future for interest groups?
Managing campaigns to influence the public policy agenda: Putting theory into practice
Advocacy and financing that shapes and shifts public opinion
Government and access effects on the use of social networking sites by nationwide NGOs in the US, South Africa and Mexico
The ability of social movements to affect policy change in South Africa and the United States: Comparing and contrasting key elements of HIV/AIDS treatment and welfare entitlement campaigns
Beyond appeasement: The real business agenda
Democracy without a choice? Interest groups, advocacy and political behaviour in Namibia: A warning for South Africa?. Conclusion: Cause for study.