Music for an academic defense (Rome, 1617)
Domenico Allegri ; edited by Antony John ; with historical and textual commentary by Louise Rice and Clare Woods
(Recent researches in the music of the baroque era, 134)
A-R Editions, c2004
Allegri, Domenico, ca. 1585-1629 -- Modi quos expositis in choris
Differs from <BA67122540> in physical description
For 2 mixed choruses (SATB, SATB, in part with solos) with editorially reconstructed acc. of strings and continuo (organ)
Latin words by Cesare Laurenti, also printed as text with English translation by Clare Woods, p. xxiv
Prefatory matter in English
Critical report in English: p. 55-57
A-R Editions 1964-
楽譜(印刷) (スコア)