U.S. national security law : cases, materials, and simulations
by Thomas M. Franck ... [et al.]
(American casebook series)
West, c2012
4th ed
東京都立大学 図書館 法科
: [pbk.]/393.2/F43u10002945600
白鴎大学 総合図書館 法図 : [pbk.]393.2/FR0286078
明治大学 図書館 本 392.53||62||||D2201211875 "This paperback, break-out edition, which focuses solely on national security law, is derived from the popular and seminal casebook, Foreign Relations and National Security Law (4th Ed. 2012). Full treatment is given to the nature and structure of the field, the war power, the power of the purse, the investigation and prosecution of threats to national security, and the control of information relating to national security. Key issues concerning customary international law and treaties as sources of law in the United States are covered, but less than in the hardback edition. Issues relating to federalism are not addressed"--Publisher "These soft-cover virsions retain the pagination of the hard-cover version, thus the soft-cover versions contain "gaps" where material from the hard-cover version was not reproduced"--Pref Includes index 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
West Pub.
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