

(Edition Alte Musik / herausgegeben von Bernhard Trebuch)(Resonanzen, 2009)

ORF, c2009


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Sung in Italian (disc 1: 2nd-7th works. disc 3: 1st, 3rd-5th, and 13th-16th), English (disc 1: 13th-17th. disc 4: 1st-2nd, 4th, and 6th-7th), and Latin (disc 2: 9th-12th)

For voice(s) and acc. (disc 1: 2nd-7th and 13th-17th works. disc 2: 9th-12th. disc 3: 1st, 3rd-5th, and 13th-16th. disc 4: 1st-2nd, 4th, and 6th-7th); instrumental ensemble (disc 1: 8th-12th. disc2: 1st-2nd, 4th-8th, and 13th-15th. disc3: 2nd and 6th-12th. disc 4: 3rd, 5th, and 8th-12th)

Various players

Recorded: Jänner 2009 (live recording)

Compact discs

Bonus (PDF): Almanach Resonanzen 2009. Programme Vorspiele (disc 5)

Texts in Italian (disc 1: 2nd-7th works. disc 3: 1st, 3rd-5th, and 13th-16th), English (disc 1: 13th-17th. disc 4: 1st-2nd, 4th, and 6th-7th), and Latin (disc 2: 9th-12th) with German translation

ORF: CD 3082


  • disc 1. Ercole sul Termodonte : dramma per musica in 3 Akten, RV 710. Sinfonia / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Aria Antiope "Con aspetto lusinghiero" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Aria Martesia "Certo pensier ch'ho in petto" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Aria Alceste "Sento con qual diletto" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Aria Teseo "Scorre il fiume mormorando" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Aria Ippolita "Amato ben" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Coro "Cinzia e Giove Amore e Fato" / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata XII, aus "Sonate" (Nürnberg, 1682) / Johann Rosenmüller
  • Capriccio nono sopra un soggetto, aus "Il primo libro di capricci" (Venedig, 1628) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
  • Ricercar à 6, aus "Ricercare", op. 3 (Bologna, 1669) / Luigi Battiferri
  • The Gordian knot untied : (1690) / Henry Purcell
  • Acis and Galatea : masque in 2 Teilen, HWV 49. Sinfonia / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Air Galatea "Hush, ye pretty warbling choir!" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Air Acis "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Air Polypheme "O ruddier than the cherry" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Trio Acis and Galatea, Polypheme "The flocks shall leave the mountains" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Chorus "Galatea, dry thy tears" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • disc 2. La noce champêtre ou l'Himen pastoral : aus "Pièces pour la muzette" (Paris, 1722). Prelude. L'appel pour rassembler la troupe / Jean Hotteterre
  • Sarabande l'Himen / Jean Hotteterre
  • Ouverture (le Festin) / Jean Hotteterre
  • Menuets & contredanse / Jean Hotteterre
  • Le coucher / Jean Hotteterre
  • Le réveil matin / Jean Hotteterre
  • Sonata g-Moll, aus "Il pastor fido" (Paris, 1737) / Nicholas Chédeville
  • Airs champêtres : aus "Sérénade ou concert divisez en trios suites de pieces" (Paris, 1697) / Michel Pignolet de Montéclair
  • Missa de Beata Virgine. Kyrie / Antoine Brumel
  • Gloria / Antoine Brumel
  • Agnus Dei / Antoine Brumel
  • Ave, sanctissima Maria : aus dem Music Ms. 3, Guatemala City Cathedral Archive / anonym (um 1550)
  • La musica quinta C-Dur, aus "Il giardino del piacere ovvero raccolta de diversi fiori musicali come Sonate, Fughe--" (Hamburg, 1695) / Johann Friedrich Meister
  • Bergamasca, aus "Fiori musicali di diversi compositioni, toccate, kyrie, canzoni, capricci, e recercari, in partitura" (Venedig, 1635) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
  • Ciaconna d-Moll, aus "Il giardino del piacere ovvero raccolta de diversi fiori musicali come Sonate, Fughe--" (Hamburg, 1695) / Johann Friedrich Meister
  • disc 3. "T'amo mia vita" : a tre soprani : aus "Madrigali per cantare et sonare a uno, e doi, e tre soprani" (Rom, 1601) / Luzzasco Luzzaschi
  • Toccata nona "Non senza fatiga si giunge al fine" : aus "Secondo libro di toccate" (Rom, 1627) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
  • "Occhi del pianto mio" : a due soprani : aus "Madrigali per cantare et sonare a uno, e doi, e tre soprani" (Rom, 1601) / Luzzasco Luzzaschi
  • "I' mi son giovinetta" : a due soprani : aus "Madrigali per cantare et sonare a uno, e doi, e tre soprani" (Rom, 1601) / Luzzasco Luzzaschi
  • "O dolcezze amarissime d'amore" : a tre soprani : aus "Madrigali per cantare et sonare a uno, e doi, e tre soprani" (Rom, 1601) / Luzzasco Luzzaschi
  • My Lord Willoughby welcome home : Washington, the Folger Library, Ms 1610.1 "The Dowland lute book" / John Dowland
  • Fantasia (Evangelina Mascardi) : British Library, Hirsch lute book, ca. 1595 / Alfonso Ferrabosco
  • La mia Barbara : Uppsala University Library mus.ms 408 / John Dowland
  • Bassymeasures : Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd.3.18 / John Danyel
  • Spanish pavin : British Library, Jane Pickeringe's lute book, c. 1615/1645 / Alfonso Ferrabosco
  • Sir John Smith, his Almain : Robert Dowland "Varietie of lute-lessons" 1610 / John Dowland
  • Aci, Galatea e Polifemo : serenata, HWV 72. Sinfonia (zu "Agrippina", HWV 6) / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Aria Polifemo "Fra l'ombre e gl'orrori" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Aria Aci "Qui l'augel da pianta in pianta" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Aria Galatea "Del mar fra l'onde" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • Terzetto Aci, Galatea e Polifemo "Chi ben ama ha per oggetti" / Georg Friedrich Händel
  • disc 4. "When Celia was learning on the spinet to play" : aus "Catch club, or merry companions, being a choice collection of the most diverting catches for three and four voices, composed by the late Mr. Henry Purcell, Dr. Blow etc.", London, ca. 1762 / John Isham
  • "Since the pox or the plague" : aus "Orpheus britannicus", 1692/1702 / Henry Purcell
  • Godesses & Half Hannikin : aus "The English dancing master: or, Plaine and easie rules for the dancing of country dances, with the tune to each dance", 1651 / John Playford
  • "Bacchus is a pow'r divine" : aus "Orpheus britannicus", 1692/1702 / Henry Purcell
  • Pavan / John Jenkins
  • "Lord I have sinn'd" : aus "Harmonia sacra, or Divine hymns and dialogues", 1693 / Pelham Humfrey
  • "An evening hymn" : aus "Harmonia sacra", 1693 / Henry Purcell
  • Toccata settima, aus dem "Secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d'hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti et altre partite --" (Rom, 1627) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
  • Capriccio terzo, aus dem "Libro di capricci e ricercate" (1658) / Johann Jacob Froberger
  • Suite XII C-Dur, aus dem "Libro quarto di toccate, ricercari, capricci, allemande, courante, sarabande, gigue et altre partite" (1656) / Johann Jacob Froberger
  • "Pan et Syrinx" : aus den "Cantates à voix seule avec un dessus de flute ou de hautbois. Second livre" (Paris, 1716) / Michel Pignolet de Montéclair
  • Deuxieme concert G-Dur, aus den "Pièces de clavecin en concert" (Paris, 1741) / Jean-Philippe Rameau
  • disc 5. La Angrave : aus der 3. Suite D-Dur in den "Pièces de violes" (Paris 1747) / Jean-Baptiste Forqueray
  • Chaconne. La Morangis ou La Plissay : aus der 3. Suite D-Dur in den "Pièces de violes" (Paris 1747) / Jean-Baptiste Forqueray
  • La Montigni : cembalo solo : aus der 5. Suite c-Moll in den "Pièces de violes" (Paris 1747) / Antoine Forqueray
  • Jupiter : aus der 5. Suite c-Moll in den "Pièces de violes" (Paris 1747) / Antoine Forqueray
  • Prélude c-Moll, aus den "Pièces de viole" (3e livre, Paris 1711) / Marin Marais
  • La reveuse : aus der Suite d'un goût éntranger [i.e. étranger] in den "Pièces de viole" (4e livre, Paris 1717) / Marin Marais
  • L'arabesque : aus der Suite d'un goût éntranger [i.e. étranger] in den "Pièces de viole" (4e livre, Paris 1717) / Marin Marais
  • Tanzmelodien aus Franken und Böhmen / anonym (um 1800)
  • Maultrommel solo / anonym (um 1800)
  • Klempak / anonym (um 1800)
  • Der Schöffauer, Drei Viechtwengerische Tantz und Schleuniger Tanz / anonym (um 1800)

関連文献: 2件中  1-2を表示

  • 1

    ORF c200-

    録音資料(音楽) (CD)

  • 2
    Edition Alte Musik

    herausgegeben von Bernhard Trebuch

    ORF c200-

    録音資料(音楽) (CD)


  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    5 sound discs (ca. 323 min.)
  • 大きさ
    12 cm.
  • 付属資料
    1 pamphlet (23 p. ; 13 x 14 cm.)
  • 親書誌ID

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /