In the early twentieth century, The Eastern Buddhist journal pioneered the presentation of Buddhism to the west and encouraged the west's engagement in interpretation. This interactive process increased dramatically in the post-war period, when dialogue between Buddhist and Christian thought began to take off in earnest. These debates and dialogues brought in voices with a Zen orientation, influenced in part by the philosophical Buddhism of the Kyoto School. Also to be heard however were contributions from the Pure Land and the Shin Buddhist traditions, which also have a strong tradition in the city. The book brings together a wide range of authors who have significantly influenced subsequent Buddhist-Christian dialogue and the interaction between east and west.
General Introduction PART I: FLASHBACK TO SOME EARLY EXCHANGES 1. Buddhism and Moral World Order, Kiba, Ryohon 2. On Zen Buddhism, Otto, Rudolf 3. Dengyo Daishi and German Theology, Petzold, Bruno 4. The Unity of Buddhism, Pratt, James Bissett 5. Shinran's Concept of Buddhist History, Soga, Ryojin PART II: THINKING ABOUT ZEN BUDDHISM IN THE SIXTIES 6. Zen: Its Meaning for Modern Civilization, Hisamatsu, Shin'ichi 7. The Awakening of Self in Buddhism, Nishitani, Keiji 8. Introducing Martin Heidegger, Nishitani, Keiji 9. Home: The Seven Hundredth Anniversary of the Town of Messkirch, Heidegger, Martin 10. Zen and Compassion, Abe, Masao PART III: RESPONSES TO SUZUKI DAISETSU 11. The Stone Bridge of Joshu, Kondo Akihisa 12. The Enlightened Thought, Kobori Sohaku 13. The "Mind-less" Scholar, Watts, Alan 14. Memories of Dr. D. T. Suzuki, Fromm, Erich 15. A Personal Tribute, Conze, Edward 16. Zen and Philology: On Ui Hakuju and Suzuki Daisetsu, Ueda, Yoshifumi 17. D.T. Suzuki and Pure land Buddhism, Bando, Shojun PART IV: THINKING ABOUT THE PURE LAND 18. The Concept of the Pure Land, Kaneko, Daiei 19. The Pure Land of Beauty, Yanagi, Soetsu APPENDICES Synoptic List of Text Titles Character List for Historical Persons Original publication details A note on The Eastern Buddhist Index
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