Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.), the 14 book Greek epic on the Trojan War, is a text which has traditionally been overlooked in the main canon of Classical authors, and in fact until only recently has been largely ignored as a literary work. This book, the first monograph in English on the poem since 1904, examines the Posthomerica's close relationship with the Homeric epics, with a focus on the originality and Late Antique interpretative bias of Quintus in his readings and emulation of Homer. The study deals specifically with three separate aspects of poetics, and their Homeric intertextuality: ecphrasis, gnomai, and similes, and their role within the poem's narrative strategies, themes, and aims.
Table of Contents
Preface ii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Signs of the Times: Being Homer Later 8
(i) Reading Quintus Reading Homer 8
(ii) A Late Antique Aesthetic? 16
(iii) (M)use-less Singing: Quintus' Art? 33
Chapter 2: Ecphrasis and the Emblems of the Past 47
(i) Reading Directions in Ecphrasis 47
(ii) (Re-)reading the Shield of Achilles 59
(iii) Unfolding Ecphrasis: the Mountain of Arete 84
Chapter 3: Speaking Morality through Gnomai 111
(i) Homeric voices? Narrators and Narratees 111
(ii) Fate, Gods, and the Sayings of Nestor 130
Chapter 4: Posthomeric Similes, Homeric Likenesses 160
(i) Penthesileia: A New Dawn 160
(ii) Helen Received, Helen Judged 201
(iii) Like Father like Son: Comparing Neoptolemus 225
Afterword 252
Bibliography 255
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