The sixth edition of this highly successful book contains updates to functional anatomy which has now been totally revised. There are also new chapters on the eye, abdomen, female reproduction, ultrasonography and orthopaedics. The atlas is superbly illustrated throughout with colour drawings, photographs, and radiographs providing the reader with detailed information on the structure, function, and clinical application of all equine body systems and their interaction in the live animal.
Already acknowledged by students and teachers as an essential resource for learning and revision, the sixth edition is a valuable reference for veterinary practitioners and for those who own and work with horses.
The external Skin (common integument)
Thoracic Limb
The Skeleton of the Thoracic Limb
Topography of the Thoracic Limb (Nerves and Muscles)
Cutaneous Innervation, Blood Vessels, and Lymphatic Structures of the Thoracic Limb
Vessels, Nerves, and Deep Fascia of Carpus, Metacarpus, and Digit
The passive Stay-apparatus of the Thoracic Limb
Synovial Structures of the Thoracic Limb
Pelvic Limb
The Skeleton of the Pelvic Limb
Topography of the Pelvic Limb (Nerves and Muscles)
Skin Innervation, Blood, Vessels, and Lymphatics of the Pelvic Limb
Vessels, Nerves, and deep Fascia of Tarsus, Metatarsus, and Digit
Passive Stay-Apparatus of the Hindlimb, also Hoof and Contents
The Hoof (Ungula)
Suspensory Apparatus of the Coffin Bone (Distal Phalanx), Vessels and Nerves of the Hoof
Synovial Structures of the Pelvic Limb
Skull and Dentition
Skull with Teeth and Paranasal Sinuses
Supf. Veins of the Head, Facial nerve (VII) and Muscles supplied by the Facial Nerve
Trigeminal Nerve (V-3 and V-2), Muscles of Mastication, Salivary Glands, and Lymphatic Structures
Adnexa of the Eye
The Eye
Nose and Nasal Cavity, Mouth and Tongue
Pharynx, Guttural Pouch and Larynx
Larynx and Laryngeal Muscles
Head-Neck Junction and Ear
The Central Nervous System
The Brain
The Spinal Cord
Axial Skeleton and Neck
Vertebral Column with Thorax and Nuchal Ligament
Neck and Thoracic Wall
Deep Shoulder-Girdle Muscles, the Muscles of the ventral Part of the Neck and the visceral Space they enclose
Thoracic Cavity
Thoracic Wall, Respiratory Muscles, Lungs, and Lymphatic Structures
Heart and Thymus
Abdominal Wall and Cavity
The Abdominal Wall
Topography of the Abdominal Organs and Their Relation to the Abdominal Wall
Spleen, Liver and Bile Duct, Pancreas, and Stomach with Omenta
Pelvis, Inguinal Region, and Urogenital Organs
Bony Pelvis with Sacrosciatic Ligament, Supf. Inguinal Structures
Inguinal Area
Prepubic Tendon, Inguinal Canal of the Mare, Nerves of the Lumbar Plexus, Hypaxial Lumbar Muscles, and Udder
Lymphatics, Adrenal Glands, and Urinary Organs
Arteries, Veins, and Nerves of the Pelvic Cavity
Female Reproductive Organs
Male Reproductive Organs
Perineum, Pelvic Diaphragm, and Tail
Selected Body Systems in Tabular Form
Lymphatic Structures
Peripheral Nervous System
Cranial Nerves
Contributions to Clinical-Functional Anatomy
List of References
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