10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery : 11-13 September 2012, IMechE, London


10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery : 11-13 September 2012, IMechE, London

Co-sponsored by: British Society for Strain Measurement ... [et al.]

Woodhead, 2012

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and author index



This book presents the papers from the 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery. This conference, first held in 1976, has defined and redefined the state-of-the-art in the many aspects of vibration encountered in rotating machinery. Distinguished by an excellent mix of industrial and academic participation achieved, these papers present the latest methods of theoretical, experimental and computational rotordynamics, alongside the current issues of concern in the further development of rotating machines. Topics are aimed at propelling forward the standards of excellence in the design and operation of rotating machines.


Keynote Addresses Chapter 1: Modelling, dynamic behaviour and diagnostics of cracked rotors ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 CRACK BREATHING MECHANISM 3 CRACK PROPAGATION AND SHAPE 4 IDENTIFICATION OF CRACKS IN ROTORS 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 2: Model based signal processing in Smart rotating machines ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Detecting Traveling Wave Direction -Multiple Sensors 3 ORDER TRACKING WITH MULTIPLE SENSORS 4 ASYMMETRY AND DEFECT DETECTION IN ROTATING ELEMENTS 5 SUMMARY Rotordynamics Chapter 3: A full size rotor dynamic test rig for whole engine mechanics of aero engines ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ENGINEERING DESIGN OF THE SIMULATOR 3 SIMULATION TECHNIQUES 4 PROTOTYPE VALIDATION 5 Conclusion Chapter 4: Dynamic analysis of a harmonically excited on-board rotor-bearing system ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ANALYTICAL MODELING OF AN ON-BOARD ROTOR-BEARING SYSTEM 3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 5: Vibration analysis of a shafting system for a marine diesel generator set including dynamic characteristics between shell and housing of generator bearing ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF ROTOR SYSTEM FOR MARINE DIESEL GENERATOR SET 3 MODELLING FOR ROTORDYNAMIC ANALYSIS 4 COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND COMPUTATIONAL CALCULATION RESULTS 5 EFFECT OF GAP BETWEEN BEARING SHELL AND HOUSING 6 Conclusions Chapter 6: An investigation into the dynamic response of a squeeze-film damped twin-shaft test rig ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 TEST RIG 3 OVERVIEW OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 4 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 7: Identification of foundations in rotating machinery using modal parameters ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 3 THEORY 4 NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS Chapter 8: On the determination of bearing support pedestal conditions using shaker testing ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION SHAKER TESTING PROCESS EXAMPLE 1: LP TURBINE SYSTEM WITH VINTAGE SHRUNK-ON DISC DESIGN HOW TO ASSESS THE ACCEPTABILITY OF THE MEASURED FREQUENCIES BEARING SUPPORT STIFFNESS EVALUATION MEASUREMENT ERRORS STATIC AND DYNAMIC BEARING PEDESTAL STIFFNESS DEFINITION ROTOR DYNAMIC MODELS FOR RIGID SUPPORTS ROTOR DYNAMIC MODELS WITH OIL-FILM AND BEARING SUPPORT CHARACTERISTICS EXAMPLE 2: ANOTHER VINTAGE DESIGN OF LP TURBINE SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION OF RELATIVE STRENGTHS OF SIMILAR PEDESTAL STRUCTURES BY SHAKER TESTING RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 9: Axial and radial dynamics of rotors on electrodynamic bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 RADIAL EDB MODELLING 3 AXIAL EDB MODELLING 4 UNIFIED MODELLING 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 10: Model based design of a rotor supported by radial electrodynamic bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 TEST RIG DESIGN 3 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION 4 CONCLUSIONS Cracks Chapter 11: Acoustic emission for the detection of subsurface cracking in bearing condition monitoring ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 EQUIPMENT AND TEST COMPONENTS 3 DATA ACQUISITION AND HANDLING 4 RESULTS 5 DISCUSSION 6 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 12: Finite element vibration analysis of a rotating shaft system with an open crack by the harmonic excitation ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SHAFT WITH AN OPEN CRACK 3 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF THE SHAFT WITH AN OPEN CRACK 4 ANALYSIS OF FORCED VIBRATION BY HARMONIC EXCITATION 5 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM 6 COMPARISON WITH THE EXPERIMENT 7 CONCLUSION 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chapter 13: On the effects of transverse annular cracks in rotating machines ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 CASE STUDY 3 CRACK PERIODIC CLOSURE 4 VALIDATION OF THE THEORETICAL RESULTS 5 CONCLUSIONS Blades Chapter 14: 3D Blade root shape optimization ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 BASE LINE BLADE MODEL 3 SHAPE VARIABLES 4 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS (DOE) 5 APPROXIMATION MODELS 6 OPTIMIZATION 7 CONCLUSION 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 15: Analysis of LP steam turbine blade vibrations: experimental results and numerical simulations ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE BLADE ROW 3 IN-FIELD RESULTS 4 NEW LAST STAGE BLADE DESIGN 5 MEASUREMENT RESULTS 6 CONCLUSIONS 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 16: Semi-automatic mode naming methodology to classify impeller mode families ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 3 EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION 4 CONCLUSIONS 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 17: A method for establishing the uncertainty levels for aero-engine blade tip amplitudes extracted from blade tip timing data ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 BTT DATA PROCESSING 3 BTT UNCERTAINTY EXTRACTION METHOD 4 DISCUSSION 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 18: Non-contact methods of sensing vibrations of turbine blades ABSTRACT 1 THE CONCEPT OF THE BLADE VIBRATION MONITORING SYSTEM 2 NON-CONTACT SENSORS OF BLADE VIBRATIONS AND DISPLACEMENTS 3 MAGNETOELECTRIC SENSORS 4 CONCLUSIONS 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 19: Estimation of turbomachinery blade vibrations from tip-timing data ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION TO TIP-TIMING MEASURING TECHNIQUE 2 MINIMUM VARIANCE SPECTRAL ESTIMATOR (MVSE), PRINCIPLE AND LIMITS 3 ADDITIONAL METHODS EXPLORED 4 IMPLEMENTATION OF ADDITIONAL METHODS ON A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 5 REAL TEST CASE APPLICATION 6 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 20: FSI-based forced response analyses of a mistuned high pressure compressor blisk ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORY 3 NUMERICAL STUDY 4 RESULTS 5 CONCLUSION 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 21: The problem of complex shape tracking in a Campbell Diagram or how to overcome crossing/veering phenomena ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 BACKGROUND EQUATIONS 3 A NEW CRITERION FOR ROTOR MODE SHAPE TRACKING 4 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION 5 OVERCOMING VEERING/CROSSING PHENOMENA 6 CONCLUSION Chapter 22: On the comparison of possibilistic and probabilistic methods for the determination of the worst-case response of mistuned bladed disks ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 23: Forced response prediction of a mistuned bladed disk in the presence of aeroelastic coupling and model uncertainties ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3 FORCED RESPONSE 4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5 CONCLUSION 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 24: Inter-slip damping of twisted blades in opposed bundles under rotation ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FE MODEL OF TRIPLE-BLADE-BUNDLE WITH FRICTION COUPLINGS 3 NUMERICAL RESULTS OF FORCED RESONANT VIBRATION 4 MODEL ANALYSIS OF A SINGLE BLADE 5 DESCRIPTION OF DYNAMIC TESTS UNDER ROTATION 6 RESULTS 7 CONCLUSIONS 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 25: An improved simulation method for blade-casing interaction phenomena ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 CORRECTION TO CONTACT MODEL 3 RESULTS FOR A REAL BLADE MODEL 4 STUDY OF A SIMPLIFIED 2DOF BLADE MODEL 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 26: Simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a group of blades with friction contacts ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THE MODEL 3 FEATURES OF THE TEST RIG 4 NON-LINEAR STATIC BEHAVIOUR 5 LINEAR DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR WITH FRICTIONLESS CONTACT 6 NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR WITH FRICTION CONTACT 7 CONCLUSIONS 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 27: Vibration characteristics of a continuous cover blade structure with friction contact surfaces of a steam turbine ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ANALYSIS METHOD 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSION Rotordynamics Balancing Chapter 28: An extended field balancing procedure for flexible rotors fully levitated by active magnetic bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR RESIDUAL UNBALANCES 3 NUMERICAL MODEL OF THE ROTOR-AMB SYSTEM 4 NUMERICAL BENCHMARK OF PROPOSED BALANCING PROCEDURE 5 EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION 6 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 29: Convergence on unbalance identification process based on genetic algorithm applied to rotating machinery ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSION 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 30: Observer design for rotating shafts excited by unbalance ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MODELLING AND CONTROLLER DESIGN 3 THEORY 4 APPLICATION TO A ROTOR TEST RIG MODEL 5 CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chapter 31: Use of modal weight sets for residual modal unbalance assessment of high speed balance quality of flexible rotors ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHOD OF RMU EVALUATION WITH MODAL WEIGHT SETS 3 COMPARISON OF RMU VALUES OBTAINED WITH MODAL WEIGHT SETS AND IN SINGLE PLANES FOR FACTORY FINAL BALANCE VIBRATION LIMITS 4 RMU VALUES OBTAINED WITH MODAL WEIGHT SETS FOR FACTORY FINAL BALANCE VIBRATION LIMITS 5 CONCLUSION Ambs and Control Chapter 32: Experimental assessment of a new fuzzy controller applied to a flexible rotor supported by Active Magnetic Bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS 3 DETAILED MODEL 4 CONTROL STRATEGIES 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 6 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 33: Self identification algorithm for the autonomous control of rotating systems ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THE D-DECOMPOSITION APPLIED TO PD CONTROLLERS 3 THE SELF-IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHM 4 TEST APPARATUS 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 6 CONCLUSION 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chapter 34: Numerical and experimental identification of the static characteristics of a combined Journal-Magnetic bearing: Smart Integrated Bearing ABSTRACT 1 NOMENCLATURE 2 INTRODUCTION 3 MAGNETIC ACTUATOR MODELING 4 EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 5 RESULTS 6 CONCLUSIONS 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Chapter 35: Investigation of the vibration reduction of a flexibly supported Jeffcott rotor damped by semiactive elements working on the principle of squeezing thin layers of normal and magnetorheological oils ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THE PROPOSED DAMPING ELEMENT AND ITS MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 3 THE EQUATION OF MOTION OF THE STUDIED ROTOR SYSTEM 4 RESULTS OF THE COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATIONS 5 CONCLUSIONS 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chapter 36: Modeling, design and control of a flexible rotor supported by active magnetic bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 CMODELING AND EIGENVALUE ANALYSIS OF A FLEXIBLE ROTOR SYSTEM 3 CONFIGURATION OF THE TEST RIG 4 ROTORDYNAMIC ANALYSIS 5 EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION 6 CONCLUSION Chapter 37: Nonlinear vibration analysis of a rotating shaft supported by a repulsive magnetic bearing and vibration suppression using the axial control ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MAGNETIC FORCE OF THE REPULSIVE MAGNETIC BEARING 3 THEORETICAL MODEL 4 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 5 VIBRATION SUPPRESSION USING THE AXIAL DISPLACEMENT CONTROL OF THE MAGNET 6 EXPERIMENT 7 CONCLUSION Dampers and Seals Chapter 38: Rotors supported by elastomer-ring-dampers aEURO" experimental and numerical investigations ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ELASTOMER BEHAVIOUR 3 OPTIMISED SHIFT PROCESS 4 TEST ROTOR 5 CONCLUSION Chapter 39: Experimental techniques for determining rotordynamic coefficients of gas seals: results for short staggered labyrinth seals and comparison with CFD ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND TEST PROCEDURE 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSIONS 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 40: Analysis of rotordynamic forces for high inlet pre-swirl rate labyrinth seals ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 RECENT 3-D NUMERICAL PREDICTION 3 THE FIRST AND SECOND-ORDER MODELS 4 ROTORDYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF LABYRINTH SEALS 5 CONCLUSIONS Bearings Chapter 41: Investigation of the influence of thermal effects in the dynamic coefficients of a tilting pad journal bearing ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSION 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 42: Train lateral analysis of an offshore gas compressor train experiencing high unbalance sensitivity ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MODELING ASPECTS 3 ANALYSIS RESULTS 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter 43: Investigation on the damping characteristics of elastohydrodynamic lubricated point contacts under dynamic loading ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORATICAL DEVELOPMENT 3 EHD DAMPING CHARACTERIZATION 4 REAL BEARING APPLICATION 5 CONCLUSIONS 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chapter 44: Local linear approximation for the stiffness characteristics of elastohydrodynamic point contacts ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL MODEL 3 STIFFNESS APPROXIMATION RESULTS 4 CONCLUSION Chapter 45: Experimental results of a novel tilting pad bearing operating in a small high speed turbocharger Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Description of the Engine Test Stand 4 Results and Discussion 5 Conclusions 6 Acknowledgments Chapter 46: Analysis of the influence of hydrodynamic bearings with geometric discontinuities on the dynamic response of a rotating system Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Results and Discussion 4 Conclusion 5 Acknowledgements Chapter 47: Analysis of the sensitivity to non-linear effects in the oil-film forces of journal bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 BEARING MODEL 3 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 4 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 48: Analysis of the influence of force and moment dynamic coefficients on lubricated thrust bearings ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSION 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rub, Whirl, Instability Chapter 49: Dynamic instability of a rotor-bearing system with two asymmetric disks ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FE MODELING OF ROTOR-BEARING SYSTEM WITH TWO ASYMMETRICAL DISKS 3 DYNAMIC INSTABILITY ANALYSIS 4 COMPUTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS 5 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 50: Non-linear fluid bearing stability analysis in large high-speed motors and generators ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORY 3 APPLICATIONS AND RESULTS 4 SIMULATION OF FIELD VIBRATION CONCLUSION Chapter 51: Unique analytical model improves understanding of violent dynamic behaviour of advanced oilfield rotary steerable drilling systems ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORY 3 APPLICATION 4 RESULTS 5 IMPROVEMENTS 6 CONCLUSION Chapter 52: Novel detection system improves understanding of backwards whirl and aids parameter optimization for advanced oilfield Rotary Steerable Drilling Systems ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 STATEMENT OF THEORY AND DEFINITIONS 3 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION OF EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES 4 PRESENTATION OF DATA AND RESULTS 5 CASE STUDIES 6 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 53: Effect of contact parameter uncertainties of the dynamic behaviour of rubbing cyclic assemblies ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENTS 3 APPLICATION 4 CONCLUSION Chapter 54: An analysis of rotor-stator interaction ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SDOF WITH TWO STOP-ENDS 3 THREE-DISKS ROTOR WITH ONE CONTACT 4 CONCLUSION 5 ACKOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 55: Dynamical analysis of a gyroscopic exercise tool considering collision and slide between the rotor and the case ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL MODEL 3 MOTION PATTERNS WITH PRECESSION 4 CONCLUSION Chapter 56: Stability and bifurcation analysis of a flexible rotor-bearing system by numerical continuation ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 NONLINEAR DYNAMIC MODEL OF A SYMMETRICAL FLEXIBLE ROTOR 3 BIFURCATION ANALYSIS BY NUMERICAL CONTINUATION 4 RESULTS 5 CONCLUSION Condition Monitoring Chapter 57: JSME v_BASE activities and some troubleshooting case studies of rotating machinery ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 JSME v_BASE COMMITTEE 3 FORMAT OF CASE STUDY REPORT 4 CASE STUDIES (FORCED VIBRATION) 5 CASE STUDIES (SELF-EXCITED VIBRATION) 6 DISCUSSION 7 CONCLUSIONS 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 58: Condition monitoring of rotating machines using on-shaft vibration measurement ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 TEST RIG 3 PROPOSED METHOD FOR FAULTS CLASSIFICATION 4 FAULTS SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTS 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 6 CONCLUSION Chapter 59: Neural network based diagnosis of mechanical faults in IC engines ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SIGNAL PROCESSING AND FEATURE EXTRACTION 3 FEATURE SELECTION 4 BUILDING OF THE ANNS 5 RESULTS OF THE ANNS 6 CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Diagnostics and Faults - Fault Detection Chapter 60: Anomaly detection of rolling elements using fuzzy entropy and similarity measures ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FUZZY ENTROPY AND SIMILARITY MEASURE 3 FEATURE EXTRACTION AND COMPUTATION 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE WORKS Chapter 61: Fault identification of rolling element bearings from vibration signals: an application of Kalman and Haz Filters ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ANALYSIS 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 CONCLUSION Chapter 62: Identification of multiple fault parameters in a flexible rotor-bearing-coupling system based on forced responses ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MODEL DESCRIPTION AND IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHM 3 DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHM 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 5 CONCLUSION APPENDIX A COUPLING MATRICES Chapter 63: Compensating for speed variation by order tracking with and without a tacho signal ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 PHASE DEMODULATION AND ANGULAR RESAMPLING 3 COMPENSATING FOR SPEED VARIATIONS 4 IMPROVEMENT BY FURTHER ITERATION 5 CONCLUSION Electrical Machines Chapter 64: FEM-based vibration analysis of a soft mounted two-pole induction motor regarding electromagnetic excitation due to static rotor eccentricity ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCES 3 DATA OF THE ANALYZED MOTOR 4 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 5 NATURAL VIBRATION ANALYSIS 6 FORCED VIBRATION ANALYSIS 6.1 Boundary conditions 6.2 Relative shaft displacements in the sleeve bearing housings 6.3 Bearing housing vibrations 6.4 Evaluation of the vibration behavior 7 CONCLUSION Chapter 65: Analytical-computational approach to dynamic investigation of the electro-mechanical coupling effects in the rotating systems driven by asynchronous motors ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MODELLING OF THE ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEM 3 SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM 4 COMPUTATIONAL EXAMPLES 5 FINAL REMARKS Chapter 66: Modeling two-pole cage induction machine equipped with embedded force actuator ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MACHINE TO BE MODELED 3 DERIVING THE MODEL 4 FREQUENCY RESPONSE 5 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 6 RESULTS 7 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chapter 67: Microvibration modelling and testing of a satellite reaction wheel assembly ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 RWA MODELLING 3 RWA DISTURBANCE TEST 4 MODAL VALIDATION 5 CONCLUSION 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Torsional Vibration Chapter 68: Torsional vibration of machines with gear errors ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 MODELLING THE GEAR SYSTEM 3 SIMULATED EXAMPLE 4 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 69: Calculations of lateral-torsional coupled vibration in AC motor-driven geared rotor system with mode synthesis approach ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ROTOR SYSTEM AND DYNAMICS OF ROTOR MODEL 3 RESULTS OF CALCULATION 4 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 70: Efficient approach for encoder geometry compensation in time interval measurement of torsional vibration ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 TIM PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION 3 ENCODER GEOMETRY CHARACTERIZATION AND CORRECTION 4 TORSIONAL VIBRATION MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 5 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY 6 CONCLUSIONS Chapter 71: Electro-mechanical interaction in the torsional dynamics of LNG compression trains with LCI variable speed drive ABSTRACT 1 TURBOMACHINERY TORSIONAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Modal analysis and Reduced Modal Model 1.2 Open-Loop Analysis vs. Closed-Loop Analysis 2 POWER ELECTRONICS AND VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES 2.1 ElectroMechanical Interaction in a system with a Variable Speed Drive 2.2 Harmonics and Interharmonics in a 12 pulse converter 3 CLOSED LOOP ELECTROMECHANICAL MODEL 4 VALIDATION OF THE MODEL 4.2 Constant Torque Set Point 4.3 Change in Torque Set Point CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS Author Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9780857094520
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Cambridge, UK
  • ページ数/冊数
    828 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm

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