Heat exchangers are essential in a wide range of engineering applications, including power plants, automobiles, airplanes, process and chemical industries, and heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Revised and updated with new problem sets and examples, Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design, Third Edition presents a systematic treatment of the various types of heat exchangers, focusing on selection, thermal-hydraulic design, and rating.
Topics discussed include:
Classification of heat exchangers according to different criteria
Basic design methods for sizing and rating of heat exchangers
Single-phase forced convection correlations in channels
Pressure drop and pumping power for heat exchangers and their piping circuit
Design solutions for heat exchangers subject to fouling
Double-pipe heat exchanger design methods
Correlations for the design of two-phase flow heat exchangers
Thermal design methods and processes for shell-and-tube, compact, and gasketed-plate heat exchangers
Thermal design of condensers and evaporators
This third edition contains two new chapters. Micro/Nano Heat Transfer explores the thermal design fundamentals for microscale heat exchangers and the enhancement heat transfer for applications to heat exchanger design with nanofluids. It also examines single-phase forced convection correlations as well as flow friction factors for microchannel flows for heat transfer and pumping power calculations. Polymer Heat Exchangers introduces an alternative design option for applications hindered by the operating limitations of metallic heat exchangers. The appendices provide the thermophysical properties of various fluids.
Each chapter contains examples illustrating thermal design methods and procedures and relevant nomenclature. End-of-chapter problems enable students to test their assimilation of the material.
Classification of Heat Exchangers
Recuperation and Regeneration
Transfer Processes
Geometry of Construction
Heat Transfer Mechanisms
Flow Arrangements
Selection of Heat Exchangers
Basic Design Methods of Heat Exchangers
Arrangement of Flow Paths in Heat Exchangers
Basic Equations in Design
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
LMTD Method for Heat Exchanger Analysis
The -NTU Method for Heat Exchanger Analysis
Heat Exchanger Design Calculation
Variable Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Heat Exchanger Design Methodology
Forced Convection Correlations for the Single-Phase Side of Heat Exchangers
Laminar Forced Convection
The Effect of Variable Physical Properties
Turbulent Forced Convection
Turbulent Flow in Smooth Straight Noncircular Ducts
Effect of Variable Physical Properties in Turbulent Forced Convection
Summary of Forced Convection in Straight Ducts
Heat Transfer from Smooth-Tube Bundles
Heat Transfer in Helical Coils and Spirals
Heat Transfer in Bends
Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop and Pumping Power
Tube-Side Pressure Drop
Pressure Drop in Tube Bundles in Crossflow
Pressure Drop in Helical and Spiral Coils
Pressure Drop in Bends and Fittings
Pressure Drop for Abrupt Contraction, Expansion, and Momentum Change
Heat Transfer and Pumping Power Relationship
Micro/Nano Heat Transfer
PART A-Heat Transfer for Gaseous and Liquid Flow in Microchannels
Introduction of Heat Transfer in Microchannels
Fundamentals of Gaseous Flow in Microchannels
Engineering Applications for Gas Flow
Engineering Applications of Single-Phase Liquid Flow in Microchannels
PART B-Single-Phase Convective Heat Transfer with Nanofluids
Introduction of Convective Heat Transfer with Nanofluids
Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids
Thermal Conductivity Experimental Studies of Nanofluids
Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
Experimental Correlations of Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
Fouling of Heat Exchangers
Basic Considerations
Effects of Fouling
Aspects of Fouling
Design of Heat Exchangers Subject to Fouling
Operations of Heat Exchangers Subject to Fouling
Techniques to Control Fouling
Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers
Thermal and Hydraulic Design of Inner Tube
Thermal and Hydraulic Analysis of Annulus
Parallel-Series Arrangements of Hairpins
Total Pressure Drop
Design and Operational Features
Design Correlations for Condensers and Evaporators
Film Condensation on a Single Horizontal Tube
Film Condensation in Tube Bundles
Condensation Inside Tubes
Flow Boiling
Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
Basic Components
Basic Design Procedure of a Heat Exchanger
Shell-Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop
Compact Heat Exchangers
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop
Gasketed-Plate Heat Exchangers
Mechanical Features
Operational Characteristics
Passes and Flow Arrangements
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Calculations
Thermal Performance
Condensers and Evaporators
Shell and Tube Condensers
Steam Turbine Exhaust Condensers
Plate Condensers
Air-Cooled Condensers
Direct Contact Condensers
Thermal Design of Shell-and-Tube Condensers
Design and Operational Considerations
Condensers for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Evaporators for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Thermal Analysis
Standards for Evaporators and Condensers
Polymer Heat Exchangers
Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (PMC)
Application of Polymers in Heat Exchangers
Polymer Compact Heat Exchangers
Potential Applications for Polymer Film Compact Heat Exchangers
Thermal Design of Polymer Heat Exchangers
Appendix A
Appendix B
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