Inclusive social protection in Latin America : a comprehensive, rights-based approach
Bibliographic Information
Inclusive social protection in Latin America : a comprehensive, rights-based approach
Simone Cecchini, Rodrigo Martínez
(Libros de la CEPAL, 111)
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2012
Available at / 6 libraries
"LC/G.2488-P"--T.p. verso
"Sales no. E.11.II.G.23"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references (p. 189-213)
Description and Table of Contents
This publication examines the main debates under way on social protection and co-responsibility transfer programmes. It identifies the role played by these programmes and considers the conceptual elements, needs and the challenges that will have to be overcome to consolidate comprehensive social protection systems in Latin America. The authors argue that these should be solidarity-based systems that provide universal coverage and are essentially egalitarian in the guarantees established as citizens' rights. Citizenship as a whole is thus becoming part of protection policies as the region moves towards all-encompassing social policies that combine the complementary principles of targeting as the instrument and universality as the end.
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Libros de la CEPAL
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