In The Regulation of International Shipping: International and Comparative Perspectives in Honor of Edgar Gold, contributors examine the public law and policy framework for shipping and maritime trade, the complex relationship between shipping and the marine environment, the imperative of better protection of seafarers, and ultimately, responsible ocean use.
Sir Graham Day
Co-editors' Preface
Biographical Note on Edgar Gold
Aldo Chircop, Norman Letalik, Ted L. McDorman, and Susan J. Rolston
Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance
Tommy Koh
Straits Used for International Navigation: Some Recent Developments
Carlyle L. Mitchell
Law, Economics and Politics: Trinidad and Tobago/Grenada Maritime Boundary Delimitation
A. William Moreira
Regulation of High Seas Fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic, 1976-2010
L. Dolliver Nelson
The Reasonable Bond: Some Brief Remarks
Robert C. Beckman
Do We Need a New Convention on Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships?
Aref Fakhry
Piracy Across Maritime Law: Is There a Problem of Definition?
Governance in the Arctic Ocean
Brian Flemming
A Commentary on the Great Arctic Melt and Its Potential Impact on Global Shipping Patterns
R. Douglas Brubaker with Claes Lykke Ragner
Russia's Northern Sea Route-Much to Do
Kenneth A. MacInnis
The Polluter Pays Principle: Preventing Ship-source Oil Pollution in the Arctic
David L. VanderZwaag and Vu Hai Dang
Regional Cooperation in the South China Sea and the Arctic: Lessons to Be Learned?
Shipping and International Maritime Law
Alfred Popp
The Treaty-Making Work of the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organization
Eric Machum and Frank Metcalf
Will Insurance Cover That? A Review of the Challenges Faced by Coastal States Seeking to Recover the Cost for Removal of Wrecks under the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention
Sherry P. Broder and Jon M. Van Dyke
The Urgency of Reducing Air Pollution from Global Shipping
Mary R. Brooks
Maritime Cabotage: International Market Issues in the Liberalization of Domestic Shipping
Kjetil Eivindstad and Christopher Petrie
Safer Ships and Cleaner Seas: The Insurer's Role
Proshanto K. Mukherjee
Economic Losses and Environmental Damage in the Law of Ship-Source Pollution
Vincent Cogliati-Bantz, Sarah Derrington, Craig Forrest, Nick Gaskell, and Michael White
Marine Oil and Gas Pollution Spills in Australian Waters
Moira L. McConnell
Forging or Foregoing 'the Genuine Link'? A Reflection on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Other Approaches
Seafaring and Maritime Labour Law
Alastair Couper
Perceptions and Attitudes of Seafarers Towards Maritime Regulations: An Historical Perspective
Sarah M. Kirby
The Continuing Criminalization of Seafarers: Where to Go From Here?
Nien-Tsu Alfred Hu
Seafarers' Welfare Development in Southeast Asia: A Commentary
Angus McDonald
Reflections on a Changing Industry and the Seafaring Profession
Arthur J. Hanson
Future Sea Captains: Environmentally Responsible Global Citizens
Canadian Maritime Law
Ted L. McDorman
Canada's Vessel Traffic Management Regime: An Overview in the Context of International Law
Norman Letalik
Forum Shopping Comes to Canada: The Recognition of Foreign Maritime Liens
Aldo Chircop
The Continuing Evolution of Maritime Law Jurisdiction in Canada
Wylie Spicer
'Change My Way of Thinking': Canadian Maritime Law and the Supreme Court of Canada, The Edgar Gold Years
Selected Publications of Edgar Gold
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