A History of Western Society is one of the most successful textbooks available because it captures students' interest in the everyday life of the past, tying social history to politics and culture. The tenth edition has been thoroughly revised to strengthen readability and the attention to daily life, and incorporate new scholarship.
Origins ca. 400,000-1100 B.C.E. Small Kingdoms and Mighty Empires in the Near East ca. 1100-513 B.C.E. The Development of Classical Greece ca. 2000-338 B.C.E. The Hellenistic World 336-30 B.C.E. The Rise of Rome ca. 750-31 B.C.E. The Pax Romana 31 B.C.E.-284 C.E. Late Antiquity 250-600 Europe in the Early Middle Ages 600-1000 State and Church in the High Middle Ages 1000-1300 The Life of the People in the High Middle Ages 1000-1300 The Creativity and Challenges of Medieval Cities 1100-1300 The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages 1300-1450 European Society in the Age of the Renaissance 1350-1550 Reformations and Religious Wars 1500-1600 European Exploration and Conquest 1450-1650 Absolutism and Constitutionalism ca. 1589-1725 Toward a New Worldview 1540-1789 The Expansion of Europe 1650-1800 The Changing Life of the People 1700-1800 The Revolution in Politics 1775-1815 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 1780-1850 Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815-1850 Life in the Emerging Urban Society, 1840-1900 The Age of Nationalism, 1850-1914 The West and the World, 1815-1914 War and Revolution, 1914-1919 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 1900-1940 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 1919-1945 Cold War Conflict and Consensus 1945-1965 Challenging the Postwar Order 1960-1991 Europe in an Age of Globalization 1990 to the Present
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