by Alban Berg
Opus Arte , Denon , Nippon Columbia [distributor], 2012, c2012
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (ディスク))
歌劇「ヴォツェック」 : 全3幕のオペラ
Wozzeck : Oper in drei Akten
Opera cresta 2 : Denon DVD collection
Opera in 3 acts
Sung in German; with Japanese and German subtitles
In English and German; with Japanese subtitles (特典映像)
Added titles from pamphlet
Libretto: Alban Berg; after Georg Büchner's drama "Woyzeck"
Cast: Franz Hawlata (Wozzeck), Angela Denoke (Marie), Reiner Goldberg (Tambourmajor), Vivian Tierney (Margret), Johann Tilli (Doktor), Hubert Delamboye (Hauptmann) ; other soloists ; Orquestra Simfònica i Cor del Gran Teatre del Liceu ; Cor Vivaldi - IPSI - Petits Cantors de Catalunya ; Sebastian Weigle, conductor
Credits: Stage director, Calixto Bieito
Recorded live at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 14 and 17 January 2006
Pamphlet contains program notes in Japanese
特典映像: Mini documentary, including interviews with Sebastian Weigle & Calixto Bieito
"Opera cresta 2 : Denon DVD collection"--Slip in container
Opus Arte: COBO-6213