New prospects for foreign language teaching in higher education : exploring the possibilities of application of CEFR
convened by World Language and Society Education Centre, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies ; cosponsored by Consortium for Asian and African Studies, CAAS, Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Comprehensive Research on Foreign Language Education Policies and the Evaluation Systems for Language Proficiency in Higher Education in the EU and Japan ; [chief editor, Tomimori Nobuo]
(International Symposium Report / World Language and Society Education Centre, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2011)
World Language and Society Education Centre (WoLSEC), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2012
高等教育における外国語教育の新たな展望 : CEFRの応用可能性をめぐって
"Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 March, 2011, Agora global 3F, Fuchu Campus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies"
会期・会場:2011年3月2日(水)・3月3日(木), 東京外国語大学府中キャンパスアゴラ・グローバル3F
World Language and Society Education Centre, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
World Language and Society Education Centre (WoLSEC)