For many years, the history of Byelorussia under Nazi occupation was written primarily from the perspective of the resistance movement. This movement, a reaction to the brutal occupation policies, was very strong indeed. Still, as the author shows, there existed in Byelorussia a whole web of local institutions and organizations which, some willingly, others with reservations, participated in the implementation of various aspects of occupation policies. The very sensitivity of the topic of collaboration has prevented researchers from approaching it for many years, not least because in the former Soviet territories ideological considerations have played an important role in preserving the topic's "untouchable" status. Focusing on the attitude of German authorities toward the Byelorussians, marked by their anti-Slavic and particularly anti-Byelorussian prejudices on the one hand and the motives of Byelorussian collaborators on the other, the author clearly shows that notwithstanding the postwar trend to marginalize the phenomenon of collaboration or to silence it altogether, the local collaboration in Byelorussia was clearly visible and pervaded all spheres of life under the occupation.
Chapter 1. Collaboration in Occupied Europe: Theoretical Overview
Defining the Collaboration
Comparative Overview
The Background
The Nazi Attitude toward Collaboration
The Collaboration and Collaborators
Economic Collaboration
Police Collaboration
Collaboration in the Persecution of Jews
Military Collaboration
Chapter 2. Historical Background
General Information
Byelorussia between Two World Wars
"Reunification" of Byelorussia
The Outbreak of the War
Chapter 3. German Policies in Byelorussia (1941-1944)
The Eastern Policies of the Third Reich
Hitler's Vision of the East
The Ostministerium and the Eastern Policy
The Wehrmacht and the East German
Visions of Byelorussia
Germans and Byelorussian Nationalists on the Eve of the Nazi Invasion into the USSR
The Nazi Regime in Byelorussia: From Invasion to Occupation
Local Self-Administration and Occupation
Agricultural Policies of the German Occupier
Labor Policies under German Occupation
The Outcome and Shift in Occupation Politics
Chapter 4. Byelorussian "State-Building": Political Collaboration in Byelorussia
"Local Self-Administration"
The Byelorussian Popular Self-Aid Organization
The Union of Byelorussian Youth (SBM)
The Byelorussian Central Council
Chapter 5. The Cross and the Hooked Cross: the Church's Collaboration in Occupied Byelorussia
Rosenberg's Influence
From Theory to Practice
Chapter 6. Ideological Collaboration in Byelorussia: The "Legal" Press as a Propagandist Tool of the Nazis' New Europe
Chapter 7. Collaboration in the Politics of Repression
Collaboration in the Holocaust
The Extermination Process in Byelorussia
Chapter 8. Military-Police Collaboration in Byelorussia
The Beginnings
Local Auxiliary Security Forces: Strength, Structure and the German Attitude
Dogmatism vs. Reality: Byelorussian "Self-Defense" and the "Home Guard"
Strange Allies: Armija Krajowa and Germans
"Untermenschen" in SS Uniforms
Appendix: SS and Military Ranks
Index of Places
Index of Persons
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