For a wide variety of courses in classroom assessment.
This highly respected text offers the most comprehensive discussion of traditional and alternative assessments of any classroom assessment text-explaining, giving examples, discussing pros and cons, and showing how to construct virtually all of the traditional and alternative assessments teachers use in the classroom. The author explores assessment theories and research findings as they affect teaching and learning, and examines why, when, and how teachers should use assessment in the classroom. To the text's hundreds of practical examples are added checklists to aid in evaluating assessment vehicles and scores of strategies for assessing higher-order thinking, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills.
NEW - Coverage of current topics in assessment including: formative assessment, differentiated instruction, response to intervention, universal design, and using technology for accommodations.
NEW - Two new appendices: Implementing the Principles of Universal Design via Technology-Based Testing and Answers to Even-numbered Exercises
NEW - Additional practical examples of classroom assessment "as it happens"-Throughout the text. Show students the exceptional range of assessment tools available-provide models for developing assessments, aligning assessments with lesson plans and standards, and creating both traditional and alternative assessments.
NEW - Coverage of ways to assess students' writing skills. Teaches students how to write prompts that effectively assess different writing genres-explains the development and use of rubrics to evaluate writing.
NEW - An introductory overview in every chapter-Poses the key questions that each chapter addresses and describes how each chapter is organized. Engages students' interest in chapter content-readies them for what's important in each chapter and helps them gauge their understanding.
NEW - A glossary. Provides for easy look-up of important terms and concepts.
Table of Contents
Brief Contents
Part I
The Bases for Assessment
1 Classroom Decision Making and Using Assessment
2 Describing the Goals and Learning Targets of Instruction
Part II
Crafting and Using Classroom Assessments
3 Planning for Integrating Assessment and Instruction
4 Diagnostic and Formative Assessments
5 Completion, Short-Answer, and True-False Items
6 Multiple-Choice and Matching Exercises
7 Essay Assessment Tasks
8 Higher-Order Thinking, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
9 Performance and Portfolio Assessments
10 Preparing Your Students to Be Assessed and Using Students' Results to Improve Your Assessments
11 Evaluating and Grading Student Progress
Part III
Interpreting and Using Standardized Tests
12 Standardized Achievement Tests
13 Interpreting Norm-Referenced Scores
14 Finding and Evaluating Published Assessments
15 Scholastic Aptitude, Career Interests, Attitudes, and Personality Tests
Name Index
Subject Index
by "Nielsen BookData"