Pentateuchal traditions in the late Second Temple period : proceedings of the international workshop in Tokyo, August 28-31, 2007
Bibliographic Information
Pentateuchal traditions in the late Second Temple period : proceedings of the international workshop in Tokyo, August 28-31, 2007
edited by Akio Moriya, Gohei Hata
(Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism, v. 158)
Brill, 2012
Available at / 3 libraries
Colllected essays of the International Workshop on the Study of the Pentateuch with special emphasis on textual transmission history in the Hellenistic and Roman period was held on August 28-31, 2007 in Tokyo
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Description and Table of Contents
The main theme of the collected essays is expressed clearly in the following statement by Eugene Ulrich in the beginning of his article: What was the state of the Pentateuch during the Second Temple period? Was it basically complete and static at the time of Ezra, or was it still developing in substantial ways? To pursue this main theme, the International Workshop on the Study of the Pentateuch with special emphasis on textual transmission history in the Hellenistic and Roman period was held on August 28-31, 2007 in Tokyo. Fifteen papers were read and discussed enthusiastically in the workshop, and they were later revised based on the discussion for this volume. Those who are interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls will find the recent scholarly trend in this volume.
Table of Contents
Part I Pentateuchal Traditions
1. The Doctrine of creatio ex nihilo and the Translation of tohu wabohu
Toshio David Tsumura
2. One Decalogue in Different Texts
Yuichi Osumi
3. The Evolutionary Growth of the Pentateuch in the Second Temple Period
Eugene Ulrich
4. The Scribal and Textual Transmission of the Torah Analyzed in Light of Its Sanctity
Emanuel Tov
Part II Hellenistic Judaism and the Pentateuch
5. In the Beginning Was a Greek Translation of Genesis and Exodus
Gohei Hata
6. Which Version of the Greek Bible Did Philo Read?
Gregory E. Sterling
7. The Importance of the Latter Half of Josephus's Judaean Antiquities for his Roman Audience
Steve Mason
Part III Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pentateuch
8. The Interpretation of Genesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls
John J. Collins
9. Exegesis of Pentateuchal Legislation in Jubilees and Related Texts Found at Qumran
James C. VanderKam
10. The Pentateuch Reflected in the Aramaic Documents of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Akio Moriya
Part IV The New Testament and the Pentateuch
11. The Septuagint and the Transition of the Gospel Traditions
Migaku Sato
12. The Reception of the Torah in Mark: The Question about the Greatest Commandment
Adela Yarbro Collins
13. Creation and Sacred Space: The Reuse of Key Pentateuchal Themes by Philo, the Fourth Evangelist, and the Epistle to the Hebrews
Harold W. Attridge
Special Contribution
14. A Japanese Perspective-Searching for Further Points of Contact between East and West
Yutaka Ikeda
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