The Life of William Shakespeare is a fascinating and wide-ranging exploration of Shakespeare's life and works focusing on oftern neglected literary and historical contexts: what Shakespeare read, who he worked with as an author and an actor, and how these various collaborations may have affected his writing.
Written by an eminent Shakespearean scholar and experienced theatre reviewer
Pays particular attention to Shakespeare's theatrical contemporaries and the ways in which they influenced his writing
Offers an intriguing account of the life and work of the great poet-dramatist structured around the idea of memory
Explores often neglected literary and historical contexts that illuminate Shakespeare's life and works
- List of Illustrations vi Preface and Acknowledgments vii
List of Abbreviations x
The Shakespeare Family Tree xii
1 "Born into the World": 1564-1571 1
2 "Nemo SibiNascitur": 1571-1578 21
3 "Hic et Ubique": 1578-1588 40
4 "This Man's Art and That Man's Scope": 1588-1592 64
5 "Tigers' Hearts": 1592-1593 86
6 "The Dangerous Year": 1593-1594 106
7 "Our Usual Manager of Mirth": 1594-1595 134
8 "The Strong'st and Surest Way to Get": Histories, 1595-1596 162
9 "When Love Speaks": Tragedy and Comedy, 1595-1596 181
10 "You Had a Father
- Let Your Son Say So": 1596-1598 201
11 "Unworthy Scaffold": 1598-1599 231
12 "These Words Are Not Mine": 1599-1601 258
13 "Looking Before and After": 1600-1603 277
14 "This Most Balmy Time": 1603-1605 300
15 "Past the Size of Dreaming": 1606-1609 330
16 "Like an Old Tale": 1609-1611 360
17 "The Second Burden": 1612-1616 384
18 "In the Mouths of Men": 1616 and After 414
Bibliography 443
Index 475
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