A wealth of information in one accessible book. Written by international experts from multidisciplinary fields, this in-depth exploration of oxide ultrathin films covers all aspects of these systems, starting with preparation and characterization, and going on to geometrical and electronic structure, as well as applications in current and future systems and devices. From the Contents:
Synthesis and Preparation of Oxide Ultrathin Films
Characterization Tools of Oxide Ultrathin Films
Ordered Oxide Nanostructures on Metal Surfaces
Unusual Properties of Oxides and Other Insulators in the Ultrathin Limit
Silica and High-K Dielectrics Thin Films in Microelectronics
Oxide Passive Films and Corrosion Protection
Oxide Films as Catalytic Materials and as Models of Real Catalysts
Oxide Films in Spintronics
Oxide Ultrathin Films in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Transparent Conducting and Chromogenic Oxide Films as Solar Energy Materials
Oxide Ultrathin Films in Sensor Applications
Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin Film Capacitors
Titania Thin Films in Biocompatible Materials and Medical Implants
Oxide Nanowires for New Chemical Sensor Devices
Preface xi
List of Contributors xiii
1 Synthesis and Preparation of Oxide Ultrathin Films 1
Sergio Valeri and Stefania Benedetti
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Basic Aspects of Fabrication 3
1.3 Physical Methods 7
1.4 Chemical Methods 14
1.5 Oxide Nanosheets and Buried Layers 19
1.6 Conclusions and Perspectives 21
2 Characterization Tools of Ultrathin Oxide Films 27
David C. Grinter and Geoff Thornton
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Structure Determination Techniques 28
2.3 Spectroscopic Techniques 36
2.4 Summary 43
3 Ordered Oxide Nanostructures on Metal Surfaces 47
Falko P. Netzer and Svetlozar Surnev
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Fabrication of Oxide Nanostructures 48
3.3 Novel Structure Concepts 49
3.4 Dimensionality Aspects: from Two- to One- to Zero-Dimensional Structures 58
3.5 Transition from Two- to Three-Dimensional Structures: Growth of Bulk Structures out of Interfacial Layers 63
3.6 Synopsis 69
4 Unusual Properties of Oxides and Other Insulators in the Ultrathin Limit 75
Livia Giordano and Gianfranco Pacchioni
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 Evolution of Band Gap with Film Thickness 77
4.3 Electronic Transport through Oxide Ultrathin Films 79
4.4 Work Function Changes Induced by Oxide Films 85
4.5 Nanoporosity: Oxide Films as Molecular and Atomic Sieves 89
4.6 Flexibility of Oxide Thin Films and Polaronic Distortion 94
4.7 Conclusions 97
5 Silica and High-k Dielectric Thin Films in Microelectronics 101
Gennadi Bersuker, Keith McKenna, and Alexander Shluger
5.1 Introduction 101
5.2 Electrical Characterization of High-k Dielectrics on Silicon 103
5.3 Theoretical Modeling of Gate Dielectric Films 104
5.4 Models of the Structure and Properties of HfO2 Gate Dielectric Films 106
5.5 Polycrystalline Gate Oxide Films 110
5.6 Conclusions and Outlook 114
6 Oxide Passive Films and Corrosion Protection 119
Philippe Marcus and Vincent Maurice
6.1 Introduction 119
6.2 Electrochemical Fundamentals of Passivation of Metals 119
6.3 Chemical Composition, Chemical States, and Thickness of Passive Films on Metals and Alloys 122
6.4 Two-Dimensional Oxide Passive Films on Metals 126
6.5 Growth and Nanostructure of Three-Dimensional Ultrathin Oxide Films 130
6.6 Corrosion Modeling by DFT 137
6.7 Conclusion 140
7 Oxide Films as Catalytic Materials and Models of Real Catalysts 145
Hans-Joachim Freund
7.1 Introduction 145
7.2 Oxide Thin Films Grown as Supports 146
7.3 Systems to Model Real Catalysts 154
7.4 Ultrathin-Film Catalysts 166
7.5 Synopsis 173
8 Oxide Films in Spintronics 181
Riccardo Bertacco and Franco Ciccacci
8.1 Introduction 181
8.2 Historical Notes 182
8.3 Half-Metallic Manganites: the Case of LSMO 183
8.4 Electric Control of Magnetization in Oxide Heterostructures 189
8.5 Conclusions and Perspectives 197
9 Oxide Ultrathin Films for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 201
Tatsumi Ishihara
9.1 Overview of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology 201
9.2 Preparation of Oxide Ion Conductor Thin Films 203
9.3 Nano Size Effects on Oxide Ion Conductor Films 206
9.4 Power Generating Property of SOFCs using LaGaO3 Thin Films 208
9.5 Development of m-SOFCs 216
9.6 Concluding Remarks 217
10 Transparent Conducting and Chromogenic Oxide Films as Solar Energy Materials 221
Claes-Goran Granqvist
10.1 Introduction 221
10.2 Transparent Infrared Reflectors and Transparent Electrical Conductors 223
10.3 Thermochromics 228
10.4 Electrochromics 232
10.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 235
11 Oxide Ultrathin Films in Sensor Applications 239
Elise Brunet, Giorgio C. Mutinati, Stephan Steinhauer, and Anton Kock
11.1 Introduction 239
11.2 Sensor Applications 241
11.3 SnO2-Based Gas Sensors 254
11.4 Conclusion 258
12 Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin-Film Capacitors 265
Celine Lichtensteiger, Pavlo Zubko, Massimiliano Stengel, Pablo Aguado-Puente, Jean-Marc Triscone, Philippe Ghosez, and Javier Junquera
12.1 Introduction 265
12.2 Ferroelectricity: Basic Definitions 266
12.3 Theoretical Methods for the Study of Bulk Ferroelectric Materials 269
12.4 Modeling Ferroelectricity in Oxides 274
12.5 Theory of Ferroelectric Thin Films 277
12.6 Polarization Domains and Domain Walls 287
12.7 Artificially Layered Ferroelectrics 291
12.8 Conclusion and Perspectives 296
13 Titania Thin Films in Biocompatible Matals and Medical Implants 309
Fabio Variola and Antonio Nanci
13.1 The Advent of Titanium-Based Materials 309
13.2 Biologically Relevant Physicochemical Properties of Native Titania Thin Films 310
13.3 Strategies for Modification of the Surface Oxide Layer 311
13.4 Biological Surface Science 316
13.5 Biological Response to Surface Oxide Layers 317
13.6 Slow Release Capacity of Nanoporous Titanium Oxide Layers 321
13.7 Conclusion and Perspectives 322
Acknowledgments 324
14 Oxide Nanowires for New Chemical Sensor Devices 329
Alberto Vomiero, Elisabetta Comini, and Giorgio Sberveglieri
14.1 Outline 329
14.2 Introduction 329
14.3 Synthesis 331
14.4 Integration 334
14.5 Metal Oxide Chemical Sensors 335
14.6 Conductometric Sensors 336
14.7 Optical Sensors 340
Index 345
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