
Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine

editors, Lowell A. Goldsmith ... [et al.]

McGraw-Hill Medical, c2012

8th ed

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • DVD

Dermatology in general medicine

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 48



Includes bibliographical references and index

Other editors: Stephen I. Katz, Barbara A. Gilchrest, Amy S. Paller, David J. Leffell, Klaus Wolff



Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Doody's 2015 Core Title! The landmark dermatology text that bridges the gap between science and clinical medicine-updated for today's practice Generations of clinicians, skin biologists, residents, and educators have acclaimed Fitzpatrick's as the most authoritative and complete guide to dermatologic basic sciences, histopathology, diagnosis, and treatment. Edition after edition, it reflects the latest insights into skin diseases and skin biology-and their practical relevance to general internal medicine-while covering the scientific foundations of the specialty. This classic yet cutting-edge text is supported by the expert insights of more than 500 internationally respected contributors, and it covers everything dermatologists need to know about skin, dermatologic signs of underlying disease, and the management of all skin diseases, including acne, skin cancer, and psoriasis. FEATURES More than 3000 full-color photographs DVD with image bank includes downloadable figures from the text New illustration style makes difficult concepts easier to understand Therapeutic ladders with first, second, and third line therapies New or thoroughly revised chapters on Psoriasis;Skin disease in immunosuppressed patients; Epidermal stem cells; Hair growth disorders; Neonatal, pediatric, and adolescent dermatology; Radiotherapy; Immunobiologicals and cytokines; Lasers for rejuvenation Expanded medical and surgical therapeutics sections guide you through all treatment options


Contributors Preface Acknowledgments PART I: INTRODUCTION Section 1: General Considerations 1. The Epidemiology and Burden of Skin Disease, Martin A. Weinstock and Mary-Margaret Chren 2. Evidence-Based Dermatology, Michael Bigby, Rosamaria Corona, and Moyses Szklo 3. Global Health in Dermatology, Roderick Hay 4. Public Health in Dermatology, Hywell C. Williams, Sinead Langan, and Carsten Flohr Section 2: Approach to Dermatologic Diagnosis 5. Structure of Skin Lesions and Fundamentals of Clinical Diagnosis, Amit Garg, Nikki A. Levin, and Jeffrey D. Bernhard 6. Basic Pathologic Reactions of the Skin, Klaus Wolff Section 3: Overview of Biology, Development, and Structure of Skin 7. Development and Structure of Skin, David H. Chu 8. Genetics in Relation to the Skin, John McGrath and Irwin McLean 9. Racial Considerations: Skin of Color, Kavitha K. Reddy, Yolanda M. Lenzy, Katherine L. Brown, and Barbara A. Gilchrest PART II: DISORDERS PRESENTING IN SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES Section 4: Inflammatory Disorders Based on T-Cell Reactivity and Dysregulation 10. Innate and Adaptive Immunity for the Skin, Georg Stingl and Robert L. Modlin 11. Cytokines, Thomas Kupper and Ifor Williams 12. Chemokines, Anke S. Lonsdorf and Sam T. Hwang 13. Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Kathryn A. Zug and Mari Paz Castanedo 14. Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema), Donald Leung, Lawrence F. Eichenfield, and Mark Boguniewicz 15. Nummular Eczema and Lichen Simplex Chronicus/Prurigo Nodularis, Susan Burgin 16. Vesicular Palmoplantar Eczema, Daven N. Doshi, Carol E. Cheng, and Alexa B. Kimball 17. Autosensitization Dermatitis, Don Belsito 18. Psoriasis, James T. Elder 19. Psoriatic Arthritis, Dafna D. Gladman and Vinod Chandran 20. Reactive Arthritis, John D. Carter 21. Pustular Eruptions of Palms and Soles, Ulrich Mrowietz 22. Seborrheic Dermatitis, Chad M. Hivnor and Chris D. Collins 23. Exfoliative Dermatitis, Jane Margaret Grant-Kels, Flavia Fedeles, and Marti J. Rothe 24. Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris, Daniela Bruch-Gerharz and Thomas Ruzicka 25. Parapsoriasis and Pityriasis Lichenoides, Gary S. Wood, Chung-Hong Hu, and Rosemarie Liu 26. Lichen Planus, Mark R. Pittelkow and Mazen Daoud 27. Lichen Nitidus, Mark R. Pittelkow and Mazen Daoud 28. Graft-versus-Host Disease, Ed Cowen 29. Skin Disease in Acute and Chronic Immunosuppression, Benjamin D. Ehst and Andrew Blauvelt Section 5: Inflammatory Diseases Based on Neutrophilsand Eosinophils 30. Regulation of the Production and Activation of Neutrophils, Steven M. Holland 31. Regulation of the Production and Activation of Eosinophils, Kristin M. Leiferman 32. Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis (Sweet Syndrome), Philip R. Cohen, Herbert Hoenigsmann, and Razelle Kurzrock 33. Pyoderma Gangrenosum, Frank C. Powell, Bridget C. Hackett, and Daniel Wallach 34. Granuloma Faciale, David A. Mehregan and Darius R. Mehregan 35. Sub-Corneal Pustular Dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson Disease), Franz Trautinger and Herbert Hoenigsmann 36. Eosinophils in Cutaneous Diseases, Kristin M. Leiferman and Margot S. Peters Section 6: Inflammatory Diseases Based on Abnormal Humoral Reactivity and Other Inflammatory Diseases 37. Humoral Immunity and Complement, Lela Lee 38. Urticaria and Angioedema, Allen Kaplan 39. Erythema Multiforme, Jean C. Roujeau 40. Epidermal Necrolysis (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis), L. Valeyrie-Allanore and Jean C. Roujeau 41. Cutaneous Reactions to Drugs, Neil H. Shear and Sandra R. Knowles 42. Pityriasis Rosea, Andrew Blauvelt 43. Erythema Annulare Centrifugum and Other Figurate Erythemas, Walter H. C. Burgdorf 44. Granuloma Annulare, Julie S. Prendiville Section 7: Disorders of Epidermal Differentiation and Keratinization 45. Epidermal Stem Cells, Rebecca Morris 46. Epidermal Growth and Differentiation, Tung-Tien Sun 47. Skin as an Organ of Protection, Ehrhardt Proksch and Jens-Michael Jensen 48. Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Antoine Amado, Apra Sood, and James S. Taylor 49. The Ichthyoses, Philip Fleckman and John DiGiovanna 50. Inherited Keratodermas of Palms and Soles, Mozheh Zamiri, Maurice A.M. van Steensel, and Colin S. Munro 51. Acantholytic Disorders of the Skin, Susan Burge and Alain Hovnanian 52. Porokeratosis, Alan D. Irvine and Grainne O'Regan Section 8: Disorders of Epidermal and Dermal-Epidermal Cohesion and Vesicular and Bullous Disorders 53. Epidermal and Epidermal-Dermal Abrasion, Leena Bruckner-Tuderman and Aimee S. Payne 54. Pemphigus, John R. Stanley and Aimee S. Payne 55. Paraneoplastic Pemphigus, Grant Anhalt and Daniel Mimouni 56. Bullous Pemphigoid, Donna A. Culton, Zhi Liu, and Luis A. Diaz 57. Cicatricial Pemphigoid, Kim B. Yancey 58. Linear Immunoglobulin A Dermatosis and Chronic Bullous Disease of Childhood, Caroline L. Rao and Russell P. Hall, III 59. Pemphigoid Gestationis (Herpes Gestationis), Jeff Shornick 60. Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita, David T. Woodley and Mei Chen 61. Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Arash Ronaghy, Stephen I. Katz, and Russell P. Hall, III 62. Inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa, M. Peter Marinkovich Section 9: Disorders of the Dermal Connective Tissue 63. Collagens, Elastic Fibers, and Other Extracellular Matrix Proteins of the Dermis, Thomas Krieg, Monique Aumailley, Manual Koch, Mon-Li Chu, and Jouni Uitto 64. Morphea, Stephanie Saxton-Daniels and Heidi Jacobe 65. Lichen Sclerosus, Ulrich Hengge 66. Dermal Hypertrophies and Benign Fibroblastic/Myofibroblastic Tumors, Christine Ko 67. Anetoderma and Other Atrophic Disorders of the Skin, Julie Powell and Catherine Maari 68. Ainhum and Pseudoainhum, Robert T. Brodell and Stephen E. Helms 69. Acquired Perforating Disorders, Bethanee Schlosser and Julia Minocha Section 10: Disorders of Subcutaneous Tissue 70. Panniculitis, Iris K. Aronson, Patricia M. Fishman, and Sophie M. Worobec 71. Lipodystrophy, Abhimanyu Garg Section 11: Disorders of Melanocytes 72. Biology of Melanocytes, Hee-Young Park, Marita G. Kosmadaki, Marinya Pongpudpunth, Jin Lee, and Mina Yaar 73. Albinism and Other Genetic Disorders of Pigmentation, Thomas J. Hornyak 74. Vitiligo, Stanca A. Birlea, Richard A. Spritz, and David A. Norris 75. Hypomelanoses and Hypermelanoses, Hilde Lapeere, Barbara Boone, Sofie De Schepper, Evelien Verhaeghe, Mireille Van Gele, Katia Ongenae, Nanja Van Geel, Jo Lambert, Lieve Brochez, and Jean-Marie Naeyaert Section 12: Disorders of the Oral and Genital Integument 76. Biology and Pathology of the Oral Cavity, Sook-Bin Woo 77. Diseases and Disorders of the Male Genitalia, Christopher Barry Bunker 78. Diseases and Disorders of the Female Genitalia, Lynne Margesson and F. William Danby PART III: DISORDERS OF THE SKIN APPENDAGES Section 13: Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands 79. Biology of Sebaceous Glands, Amanda M. Nelson and Diane M. Thiboutot 80. Acne Vulgaris and Acneiform Eruptions, Andrea L. Zaenglein, Emmy M. Graber, Diane M. Thiboutot, and John S. Strauss 81. Rosacea, Michelle Terez Pelle 82. Perioral Dermatitis, Leslie P. Lawley and Sareeta R.S. Parker Section 14: Disorders of the Eccrine and Apocrine Glands 83. Biology of Eccrine, Apocrine, and Apoeccrine Sweat Glands, Theodora Marie Mauro 84. Disorders of the Eccrine Sweat Glands and Sweating, Robert D. Fealey and Adelaide A. Herbert 85. Disorders of the Apocrine Sweat Glands, Christos C. Zouboulis and Fragkiski Tsatsou Section 15: Disorders of the Hair and Nails 86. Biology of Hair Follicles, George Cotsarelis and Vladimir Botchkarev 87. Keratosis Pilaris and Other Inflammatory Follicular Keratotic Syndromes, Paradi Mirmirani and Maureen Rogers 88. Hair Growth Disorders, Nina Otberg and Jerry Shapiro 89. Biology of Nails and Nail Disorders, Antonella Tosti and Bianca Maria Piraccini PART IV: DISORDERS DUE TO THE ENVIRONMENT Section 16: Disorders Due to Ultraviolet Radiation 90. Fundamentals of Cutaneous Photobiology and Photoimmunology, Irene Kochevar, Charles Taylor, and Jean Krutmann 91. Abnormal Responses to Ultraviolet Radiation: Idiopathic, Probably Immunologic, and Photoexacerbated, Paul Bergstresser 92. Abnormal Responses to Ultraviolet Radiation: Photosensitivity Induced by Exogenous Agents, Henry W. Lim Section 17: Skin Changes Due to Other Physical and Chemical Factors 93. Thermoregulation, Dean L. Kellogg, Jr. 94. Cold Injuries, Gerald E. Pieard, Pascale Quatresooz, and Claudine Pierard-Franchimont 95. Thermal Injuries, Robert L. Sheridan 96. Skin Problems in Amputees, Calum Lyon and Michael H. Beck 97. Skin Problems in Ostomates, Calum Lyon and Michael Beck 98. Corns and Calluses, Thomas M. DeLauro and Nicole M. DeLauro 99. Sports Dermatology, Dirk M. Elston 100. Decubitus (Pressure) Ulcers, Jennifer Gloeckner Powers, Lilian M. Odo, and Tania J. Phillips 101. Body Art, Anne Laumann PART V: NEUROCUTANEOUS AND PSYCHOCUTANEOUS ASPECTS OF SKIN DISEASE Section 18: Neurocutaneous and Psychocutaneous Skin Disease 102. Neurobiology of the Skin, Thomas Luger and Martin Steinhoff 103. Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects of Pruritus, Gil Yosipovitch and Tejesh S. Patel 104. Psychocutaneous Skin Disease, Evan Rieder and Francisco A. Tausk 105. Cutaneous Manifestations of Drug Abuse, Richard A. Johnson and Haley Naik 106. Skin Signs of Physical Abuse, Howard Pride PART VI: SKIN CHANGES ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN Section 19: From Birth to Old Age 107. Neonatal, Pediatric, and Adolescent Dermatology, Mary W. Chang 108. Skin Changes and Diseases in Pregnancy, Julie K. Karen and Miriam Keltz Pomeranz 109. Aging of Skin, Barbara Ann Gilchrest and Mina Yaar PART VII: NEOPLASIA Section 20: Carcinogenesis 110. Genome Instability, DNA Repair, and Cancer, Kenneth H. Kraemer and Thomas M. Ruenger 111. Chemical Carcinogenesis, Andrzej A. Dlugosz 112. Ultraviolet Radiation Carcinogenesis, Masaoki Kawasumi and Paul Nghiem Section 21: Epidermal and Appendageal Tumors 113. Epithelial Precancerous Lesions, Karyanne O. Duncan, John K. Geisse, and David J. Leffell 114. Squamous Cell Carcinoma, David J. Leffell and Douglas Grossman 115. Basal Cell Carcinoma, David J. Leffell and John Carucci 116. Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome, Anthony E. Oro and Jean Y. Tang 117. Keratoacanthoma, Lorenzo Cerroni and Helmut Kerl 118. Benign Epithelial Tumors, Hamartomas, and Hyperplasias, Neil Swanson 119. Appendage Tumors and Hamartomas of the Skin, Divya Srivastava and R. Stan Taylor 120. Merkel Cell Carcinoma, Andrew Tegeder, Olga Afanasiev, and Paul Nghiem 121. Mammary and Extramammary Paget Disease, Sherrif F. Ibrahim, Roy C. Greken, and Isaac M. Neuhaus Section 22: Melanocytic Tumors 122. Benign Neoplasias and Hyperplasias of Melanocytes, James M. Grichnik, Arthur R. Rhodes, and Arthur J. Sober 123. Atypical (Dysplastic) Melanocytic Nevi, James Grichnik and Margaret A. Tucker 124. Cutaneous Melanoma, Evans C. Bailey, Arthur J. Sober, Hensin Tsao, Martin C. Mihm, Jr., and Timothy M. Johnson Section 23: Tumors and Hyperplasias of the Dermis and Subcutaneous Fat 125. Malignant Fibrous, Fibrohistiocytic, and Histiocytic Tumors of the Dermis, Juergen C. Becker and Selma Ugurel 126. Vascular Tumors, Ilona J. Frieden and Erin Mathes 127. Neoplasias and Hyperplasias of Muscular and Neural Origin, Lucile E. White, Ross M. Levy, and Murad Alam 128. Kaposi Sarcoma, Erwin Tschachler 129. Neoplasms of Subcutaneous Fat, Thomas Brenn PART VIII: THE SKIN IN SYSTEMIC DISEASE Section 24: Skin in Nutritional, Metabolic, and Heritable Disease 130. Cutaneous Features of Nutritional Disease, Albert C. Yan and Melinda Jen 131. Cutaneous Changes in Errors of Amino Acid Metabolism, Peter Itin 132. The Porphyrias, David R. Bickers and Jorge Frank 133. Amyloidosis and the Skin, Helen J. Lachmann and Philip Hawkins 134. The Systemic Monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky 135. Xanthomatoses and Lipoprotein Disorders, Ernst Schaefer and Raul Santos 136. Fabry Disease, Atul Mehta and Catherine H. Orteu 137. Lipoid Proteinosis and Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue, Jon Dyer 138. Cutaneous Mineralization and Ossification, Janet Fairley 139. Hereditary Disorders of Genome Instability and DNA Repair, Thomas Ruenger, Kenneth H. Kraemer, and John DiGiovanna 140. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Thomas N. Darling 141. The Neurofibromatoses, Robert H. Listernick and Joel Charrow 142. Ectodermal Dysplasias, Nnenna Agim, Alanna F. Bree, and Virginia P. Sybert 143. Genetic Immunodeficiency Diseases, Ramsey Fuleihan and Amy Paller Section 25: Skin Manifestations of Bone Marrow or Blood Chemistry Disorders 144. Hematologic Diseases, Warren Piette 145. Cutaneous Lymphoma, Marc Beyer and Wolfgang Sterry 146. Inflammatory Diseases That Simulate Lymphomas: Cutaneous Pseudolymphomas, Gary S. Wood 147. Cutaneous Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Carlo Gelmetti 148. Non-Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Carlo Gelmetti 149. Mastocytosis, Michael D. Thorp Section 26: Skin Manifestations of Internal Organ Disorders 150. The Skin and Disorders of the Alimentary Trace, the Hepatobiliary System, Kidney and Cardiopulmonary System, Graham A. Johnston and Robin A.C. Graham-Brown 151. Diabetes Mellitus and Other Endocrine Diseases, Andrea A. Kalus, Andy J. Chien, and John E. Olerud 152. Sarcoidosis, Richard M. Marchell, Bruce Thiers, and Marc Judson 153. Cutaneous Manifestations of Internal Malignant Disease, Christine DeWitt, Lucinda Buescher, and Stephen P. Stone Section 27: The Skin in Vascular and Connective Tissue and Other Autoimmune Disorders 154. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Disease, Joseph Craft and Insoo Kang 155. Lupus Erythematosus, Richard D. Sontheimer and Melissa I. Costner 156. Dermatomyositis, Richard D. Sontheimer and Melissa I. Costner 157. Scleroderma (Systematic Sclerosis), P. Moinzadeh, C.P. Denton, T. Kriegm and C.M. Black 158. Scleredema and Scleromyxedema, Roger H. Weenig and Mark R. Pittelkow 159. Relapsing Polychondritis, Camille Frances 160. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatic Fever, and Gout, Warren Piette 161. Sjoegren Syndrome, Gabor Illei Section 28: The Skin in Inflammatory and Other Vascular Disorders 162. Endothelium in Inflammation and Angiogenesis, Peter Petzelbauer, Robert Loewe, and Jordan S. Pober 163. Cutaneous Necrotizing Venulitis, Nicholas A. Soter 164. Systemic Necrotizing Arteritis, Peter Merkel 165. Erythema Elevatum Diutinum, Nneka J. Comfere and Lawrence E. Gibson 166. Adamantiades-Behcet Disease, Christos C. Zouboulis 167. Kawasaki Disease, Anne H. Rowley 168. Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses, Theresa Devere 169. Cryoglobulinemia and Cryofibrinogenemia, Holger Schmidt and Gerald Braun 170. Raynaud Phenomenon, John H. Klippel 171. Malignant Atrophic Papulosis (Degos Disease), Dan Lipsker 172. Vascular Malformations, Laurence M. Boon 173. Cutaneous Changes in Peripheral Vascular Arterial Disease, Veerendra Chadachan, Steven M. Dean, and Robert T. Eberhardt 174. Cutaneous Changes in Venous and Lymphatic Insufficiency, Craig N. Burkhart, Chris Adigun, and Claude S. Burton PART IX: DISEASE DUE TO MICROBIAL AGENTS, INFESTATIONS, BITES, AND STINGS Section 29: Bacterial Disease 175. General Considerations of Bacterial Diseases, Noah Craft 176. Superficial Cutaneous Infections and Pyodermas, Noah Craft 177. Gram-Positive Infections Associated with Toxin Production, Jeffrey B. Travers and Nick Mousdicas 178. Non-Necrotizing Infections of the Dermis and Subcutaneous Fat: Cellulitis and Erysipelas, Adam D. Lipworth, Arturo Saavedra, Arnold N. Weinberg, and Richard Allen Johnson 179. Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: Necrotizing Fasciitis, Gangrenous Cellulitis, and Myonecrosis, Adam P. Lipworth, Arturo Saavedra, Arnold N. Weinberg, and Richard Allen Johnson 180. Gram-Negative Coccal and Bacillary Infections, Myron Cohen and David Weber 181. The Skin in Infective Endocarditis, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Laura Korb Ferris and Joseph C. English 182. Bartonellosis, Timothy Berger and Francisco G. Bravo 183. Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections with Cutaneous Manifestations, Scott A. Norton 184. Tuberculosis and Infections with Atypical Mycobacteria, Aisha Sethi and Bernard Naafs 185. Actinomyosis, Nocardiosis, and Actinomycetoma, Francisco G. Bravo, Roberto Arenas, and Daniel Asz Sigall 186. Leprosy, Delphine Lee, Thomas H. Rea, and Robert L. Modlin 187. Lyme Borreliosis, Meera Mahalingam, Jag Bhawan, Daniel B. Eisen, and Linden Hu Section 30: Fungal Diseases 188. Superficial Fungal Infection, Amit Garg and Stefan Schieke 189. Yeast Infections: Candidiasis, Tinea (Pityriasis) Versicolor and Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis, Roopal Vashi Kundu and Amit Garg 190. Deep Fungal Infections, Roderick J. Hay Section 31: Viral and Rickettsial Diseases 191. Viral Diseases: General Considerations, L. Katie Morrison, Ammar Ahmed, Vandana Madkan, Natalia Mendoza, and Stephen Tyring 192. Exanthematous Viral Diseases, Leah T. Belazarian, Mayra E. Lorenzo, Andrea L. Pearson, Susan M. Sweeney, and Karen Wiss 193. Herpes Simplex, Adriana R. Marques and Jeffrey I. Cohen 194. Varicella and Herpes Zoster, Kenneth Schmader and Michael N. Oxman 195. Poxvirus Infections, Caroline Piggott, Sheila Fallon Friedlander, and Wynnis Tom 196. Warts, Elliott J. Androphy and Reinhard Kirnbauer 197. Human Retroviral Disease: Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses, Erwin Tschachler 198. Cutaneous Manifestations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Lily Changchien Uihlein, Arturo Saavedra, and Richard Allen Johnson 199. The Rickettsioses, Ehrlichioses, and Anaplasmoses, Warren Heyman, Sandra Kopp, and Justin Green Section 32: Sexually Transmitted Diseases 200. Syphilis, Ken Katz 201. Endemic (Non-venereal) Treponematoses, Samer Ghosn and Nadine Marrouch 202. Chancroid, Stephan Lautenschlager 203. Lymphogranuloma Venereum, Rim Ishak and Samer Ghosn 204. Granuloma Inguinale, Abdul-Ghani Kibbi, Ruba F. Bahhady, and Myrna El-Shareef 205. Gonorrhea and Other Mucosal-Based Venereal Diseases, Ted Rosen Section 33: Infestations, Bites, and Stings 206. Leishmaniasis and Other Protozoan Infections, Joelle Malek and Samar Ghosn 207. Helminthic Infections, Jay Keystone and Kathy Suh 208. Scabies, Other Mites, and Pediculosis, Craig N. Burkhart and Craig G. Burkhart 209. Bites and Stings of Terrestrial and Aquatic Life, Jennifer Daly and Mark Jordan Scharf 210. Arthropod Bites and Stings, Robert A. Schwartz and Christopher J. Steen PART X: OCCUPATIONAL SKIN DISEASES AND SKIN DISEASES DUE TO BIOLOGIC WARFARE Section 34: Occupational Skin Diseases 211. Occupational Skin Disease due to Irritants and Allergens, James S. Taylor and Apra Sood 212. Occupational Noneczematous Skin Diseases Due to Biologic, Physical, and Chemical Agents: Introduction, James S. Taylor and Apra Sood Section 35: The Skin in Bioterrorism and Biologic Warfare 213. Cutaneous Manifestations of Biologic, Chemical, and Radiologic Terrorism Attacks, Scott A. Norton PART XI: THERAPEUTICS Section 36: Topical Therapy 214. Principles of Topical Therapy, Aieska de Souza and Bruce E. Strober 215. Pharmacokinetics and Topical Applications of Drugs, Hans Schaefer, Thomas E. Redelmeier, Gerhard J. Nohynek, and Jurgen Lademann 216. Topical Cortocosteroids, Francisco A. Kerdel and Isabel Valencia 217. Topical Retinoids, Anna L. Chien, John J. Voorhees, and Sewon King 218. Topical Antibiotics, Mark Bonner and William James 219. Topical Antifungal Agents, Whitney High and James E. Fitzpatrick 220. Topical and Intralesional Cytotoxic Agents, Aieska De Souza, Megan M. Moore, and Bruce E. Strober 221. Topical Immunomodulators, Edward M. Esparza and Robert Sidbury 222. Other Topical Medications, Kenneth Katz 223. Photoprotection, Henry W. Lim Section 37: Systemic Therapy 224. Systemic Glucocorticoids, Victoria P. Werth 225. Dapsone, Joni G. Sago and Russell P. Hall III 226. Aminoquinolines, Susannah E. McClain, Jeffrey R. LaDuca, and Anthony A. Gaspari 227. Cytotoxic and Antimetabolic Agents, Whitney A. High and James Fitzpatrick 228. Retinoids, Anders Vahlquist and Jean-Hilaire Saurat 229. Antihistamines, Robert A. Wood 230. Antibiotics, Christopher C. Gasbarre, Steven K. Schmitt, and Kenneth J. Tomecki 231. Antiviral Drugs, Dirk M. Elston 232. Oral Antifungal Agents, Reza Jacob and Nellie Konnikov 233. Mycophenolate Mofetil, Cyclosporine, and Related Immunosuppressive Therapies, Jeffrey P. Callen 234. Immunobiologicals, Cytokines, and Growth Factors in Dermatology, Stephan K. Richardson and Joel M. Gelfand 235. Anti-angiogenic Agents, Ricardo L. Berrios, Michael Y. Bonner, Jonathan Hofmekler, and Jack L. Arbiser 236. Drug Interactions, Steven E. Wolverton Section 38: Physical Treatments 237. Phototherapy, Craig A. Elmets, Brian Pollack, and Jennifer Cafardi 238. Photochemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy, Herbert Hoenigsmann, Rolf-Markus Szeimies, and Robert Knobler 239. Lasers and Flash Lamps in Dermatology, Michael Landthaler, Wolfgang Baeumler, and Ulrich Hohenleutner 240. Radiotherapy, Lynn Wilson and Roy Decker Section 39: Complementary and Alternative Dermatology 241. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Dermatology, Alan Dattner Section 40: Surgery in Dermatology 242. Dermatologic Surgery: Introduction to Anatomy and Approach, Sumaira Aasi 243. Excisional Surgery and Repair, Flaps, and Grafts, Jessica M. Sheehan, Melanie Kingsley, and Thomas E. Rohrer 244. Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Joseph Alcalay and Ronen Alkalay 245. Nail Surgery, Robert Baran 246. Cryosurgery and Electrosurgery, Justin Vujevich and Leonard Goldberg 247. Surgical Complications, Richard Bennett 248. Wound Repair: Mechanisms and Practical Considerations, Vincent Falanga and Satori Iwamoto 249. Treatment for Varicose and Telangiectatic Leg Veins, Robert A. Weiss and Margaret Weiss Section 41: Cosmetic Dermatology 250. Cosmetics and Skin Care in Dermatology, Leslie Baumann 251. Skin Resurfacing: Ablative Lasers, Chemical Peels, and Dermabrasion, Elizabeth Tanzi and Tina Alster 252. Cosmetic Applications of Non-Ablative Lasers and Other Light Devices, Elliott T. Weiss, Anne M. Chapas, and Roy G. Geronemus 253. Liposuction Using Tumescent Local Anesthesia, William Stebbins, Aimee Leonard, and C. William Hanke 254. Soft Tissue Augmentation, Lisa M. Donofrio 255. Botulinum Toxin, Richard G. Glogau 256. Hair Transplantation and Alopecia Reduction, Walter P. Unger, Robin H. Unger, and Mark Unger Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9780071669047
    • 9780071669054
    • 9780071669061
    • 9780071669078
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  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v.
  • 大きさ
    29 cm
  • 付属資料
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