Research on, and about, the African Union lags behind the establishment of its many organs, institutions, mechanisms, protocols and declarations, as well as the AU's activities and influence on Africa's peace and security, governance and development architectures. Consequently, there is a dearth of scholarly work on the new body, and academics, researchers and analysts are still playing catch-up in producing detailed and analytical knowledge about the AU. This volume brings together the analysis and research of 17 largely Pan-African scholars, policy-makers, practitioners and civil society representatives, and thus contributes to filling this gap in the literature. Written by eminent scholars on Africa and practitioners who have worked in or with the African Union, The African Union and its Institutions is a particularly timely and welcome addition to the pioneering literature about this young and potentially powerful institution. It presents a positive but realistic picture of the African Union, while diagnosing several key challenges.
The AU has established an impressive array of institutions to deal with Africa's security and governance problems - this title contains robust scholarship that allows reflection on what needs to be done to fulfil the noble objectives that the AU has set for itself.
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