This new edition of A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy has been extended significantly to include 55 chapters across two volumes written by some of today's most distinguished scholars.
New contributors include some of today's most distinguished scholars, among them Thomas Pogge, Charles Beitz, and Michael Doyle
Provides in-depth coverage of contemporary philosophical debate in all major related disciplines, such as economics, history, law, political science, international relations and sociology
Presents analysis of key political ideologies, including new chapters on Cosmopolitanism and Fundamentalism
Includes detailed discussions of major concepts in political philosophy, including virtue, power, human rights, and just war
Preface to the First Edition ix
Preface to the Second Edition xi
Contributors xii
Introduction xvi
Part I: Disciplinary Contributions 3
1 Analytical Philosophy 5
Philip Pettit
2 Continental Philosophy 36
David West
3 History 69
Richard Tuck
4 Sociology 88
Kieran Healy
5 Economics 118
Geoffrey Brennan
6 International Political Economy 153
Richard Higgott
7 Political Science 183
Robert E. Goodin
8 International Relations 214
Helen V. Milner
9 Legal Studies 226
Tom Campbell
Part II: Major Ideologies 255
10 Anarchism 257
Richard Sylvan with Robert Sparrow
11 Conservatism 285
Anthony Quinton with Anne Norton
12 Cosmopolitanism 312
Thomas Pogge
13 Feminism 332
Jane Mansbridge and Susan Moller Okin
14 Liberalism 360
Alan Ryan
15 Marxism 383
Barry Hindess
16 Fundamentalisms 403
R. Scott Appleby
17 Socialism 414
Peter Self with Michael Freeden
Part III: Special Topics 441
18 Autonomy 443
Gerald Dworkin
19 Civil Society 452
Rainer Forst
20 Community and Multiculturalism 463
Will Kymlicka
21 Contract and Consent 478
Jean Hampton
22 Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law 493
C. L. Ten
23 Corporatism and Syndicalism 503
Bob Jessop
24 Criminal Justice 511
Nicola Lacey
25 Democracy 521
Amy Gutmann
26 Dirty Hands 532
C. A. J. Coady
27 Discourse 541
Ernesto Laclau
28 Distributive Justice 548
Peter Vallentyne
29 Efficiency 563
Russell Hardin
30 Environmentalism 572
John Passmore with Stephen Gardiner
31 Equality 593
Richard J. Arneson
32 Federalism 612
William H. Riker with Andreas Follesdal
33 Historical Justice 621
Martha Minow
34 Human Rights 628
Charles R. Beitz
35 International Distributive Justice 638
Philippe Van Parijs
36 Intellectual Property 653
Seana Valentine Shiffrin
37 Just War 669
Jeff Mcmahan
38 Legitimacy 678
Richard E. Flathman
39 Liberty 685
Chandran Kukathas
40 Personhood 699
Timothy Mulgan
41 Power 709
Frank Lovett
42 Property 719
Andrew Reeve
43 Republicanism 729
Knud Haakonssen
44 Responsibility: Personal, Collective, Corporate 736
Christopher Heath Wellman
45 Rights 745
Jeremy Waldron
46 Secession and Nationalism 755
Allen Buchanan
47 Sociobiology 767
Allan Gibbard
48 Sovereignty and Humanitarian Military Intervention 781
Michael Doyle
49 The State 793
Patrick Dunleavy
50 States of Emergency 804
David Dyzenhaus
51 Toleration 813
Stephen Macedo
52 Totalitarianism 821
Eugene Kamenka
53 Trust and Social Capital 830
Bo Rothstein
54 Virtue 842
William A. Galston
55 Welfare 852
Alan Hamlin
Index 865
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