Cultural relations between the Indus and the Iranian plateau during the third millennium BCE : Indus project, Research Institute for Humanities and Nature, June 7-8, 2008
edited by Toshiki Osada and Michael Witzel
(Harvard oriental series, . Opera minora ; v. 7)
Dept. of South Asian Studies, Harvard University , Distributed by Dept. of South Asian Studies, Harvard University , South Asia Books [distributor], 2011
Indus and Iran during the 3rd millennium
: [pbk]500029844
: [pbk]225.02||オサ2011934599
: [pbk]P015-Z000-17155000376
: [pbk.]930/C9600025291030
: [pbk]225.02-O7210012001063
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文東史 : [pbk.]225.02||O41571172
奈良県立図書情報館 一般 : [pbk.]225-Osa211014208 "This book contains most of the papers given at the 2008 conference on the Cultural Relations between the Indus and the Iranian Plateau during the Third Millennium BCE, held by the Indus Project of the national Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RHIN) at Kyoto"--Back cover Includes bibliographical references
Harvard University Press
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