Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fourth Edition, helps current and future athletic trainers deal creatively with the management challenges they will face on the job. Like the previous editions, the fourth edition uses a unique case-study approach in teaching students the theories of organization and administration and their applications to real-world situations in the profession of athletic training.
The text, part of Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series, is an excellent resource for building comprehensive knowledge of management theory as well as the problem-solving skills to put it to practical use. The book's organization strategies can also be applied beyond athletic training to a variety of fields related to sports medicine, making it a valuable resource for any sports medicine professional.
Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fourth Edition, has been significantly improved to align with the Health Care Administration portion of the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Role Delineation Study. With extensive updates and new information, the fourth edition emphasizes the practice of evidence-based medicine and offers 18 new sections of material that include the following:
-Health care financial management
-Injury surveillance systems
-Advances in patient charting
-Cultural awareness
-Marketing a sports medicine practice
-OSHA requirements for health care facilities
Designed to encourage critical thinking, the fourth edition of Management Strategies in Athletic Training opens and closes each chapter with realistic and fascinating case studies presenting real-world dilemmas faced by athletic trainers. A series of questions at the end of these scenarios challenge students to analyze and apply the principles in the chapters to solve the hypothetical situations and ultimately prepare them for the kinds of problems they will face from day to day as professionals. To support learning, the text includes tools such as chapter objectives, key terms, and review statements as well as sample administrative forms that readers can both study and adapt to their own work situations. Special elements and appendixes provide direction for deeper study by referring students to Internet resources, other Athletic TrainingEducationSeries texts, sample forms for analysis of athletic training programs, and material on regulations and ethics in athletic training. In addition, the fourth edition covers new material that students will find helpful as they embark on their athletic training careers, such as compensation, tips for finding a job, and negotiating skills for accepting a job.
For instructors, an ancillary package consisting of an instructor guide, test bank, and new image bank will aid in course development. Loaded with additional case studies, course projects, chapter worksheets, and a sample course syllabus, these materials can be used for organizing classes, testing students' knowledge, and creating exciting learning experiences.
Chapter 1. Theoretical Basis of Management
Foundations of Management
A Brief History of Management
Three Management Roles
Improving Managerial Effectiveness
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 2. Program Management
Vision Statements
Mission Statements
Facility Planning
Meetings and Conferences
Program Evaluation
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 3. Human Resource Management
Factors Related to the Sports Medicine Organization
Staff Selection
Personnel Deployment
Staff Supervision
Performance Evaluation
Fair Labor Standards Act and Athletic Training
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 4. Financial Resource Management
Purchasing Supplies, Equipment, and Services
Inventory Management
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 5. Facility Design and Planning
Conceptual Development
Elements of Sports Medicine Facility Design
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 6. Information Management
Why Document?
Two Kinds of Information
Filing Sports Medicine Records
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 7. Reimbursement for Health Care Services
Insurance Systems
Third-Party Reimbursement
Claims Processing
Purchasing Insurance Services
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 8. Legal Considerations in Sports Medicine
Legal Principles
Reducing the Risk of Legal Liability
Strategies for Dealing With Legal Challenges
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 9. Ethics in Sports Medicine
Defining Ethics
Relationship Between Legal and Ethical Considerations
Three Approaches to Ethical Decision Making
The Act of "Whistle-Blowing"
Practicing Ethically As an Athletic Trainer: Specific Recommendations
Cultural Competence
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
Chapter 10. Preparticipation Physical Exams and Drug-Testing
Organizing Preparticipation Physical Examinations
Organizing Drug-Testing Programs
Applications to Athletic Training: Theory Into Practice
Key Concepts and Review
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