The spirit level : why greater equality makes societies stronger
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett ; [foreword by Robert B. Reich]
Bloomsbury Press, 2011, c2010
: pbk306.01||W732015401422
: pbk361.8||Wi42146608
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文社会 : pbk361.8||W41643153
: pbk634907
日本女子大学 図書館 研究室 : pbk2430154 "Revised and updated" -- p. [4] of cover First published in Great Britain by Allen Lane, 2009 Summary: This eye-opening UK bestseller shows how one single factor--the gap between its richest and poorest members--can determine the health and well-being of a society. The authors also outline a new political outlook in which a shift from self-interested consumerism to a friendlier, more sustainable society is paramount Includes bibliographical references (p. 312-342) and index注記