Improving health sector performance : institutions, motivations and incentives : the Cambodia dialogue
edited by Hossein Jalilian and Vicheth Sen
(GMS development series, 1)
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011
名古屋大学 国際開発 図書室 国際開発
: soft cover498.13||J41538295
: soft cover3500239235
: soft coverAHCB||361.1||I117790510
"This volume comprises chapters based on a collection of papers presented at a two-day international conference on "Improving Health Sector Performance: Institutions, Motivations, and Incentives" in Phnom Penh from 26-27 April 2010"--Acknowledgements Includes bibliographical references and index 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
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