This book, like the first and second editions, addresses the fundamental principles of interaction between radiation and matter and the principles of particle detection and detectors in a wide scope of fields, from low to high energy, including space physics and medical environment. It provides abundant information about the processes of electromagnetic and hadronic energy deposition in matter, detecting systems, performance of detectors and their optimization.The third edition includes additional material covering, for instance: mechanisms of energy loss like the inverse Compton scattering, corrections due to the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, an extended relativistic treatment of nucleus-nucleus screened Coulomb scattering, and transport of charged particles inside the heliosphere. Furthermore, the displacement damage (NIEL) in semiconductors has been revisited to account for recent experimental data and more comprehensive comparisons with results previously obtained.This book will be of great use to graduate students and final-year undergraduates as a reference and supplement for courses in particle, astroparticle, space physics and instrumentation. A part of the book is directed toward courses in medical physics. The book can also be used by researchers in experimental particle physics at low, medium, and high energy who are dealing with instrumentation.
- Electromagnetic Interaction of Radiation in Matter
- Nuclear Interactions in Matter
- Radiation Environments and Damage in Silicon Semiconductors
- Scintillating Media and Scintillator Detectors
- Solid State Detectors
- Displacement Damage and Particle Interactions in Silicon Devices
- Gas Filled Chambers
- Principles of Particle Energy Determination
- Superheated Droplet (Bubble) Detectors and CDM Search
- Medical Physics Applications.
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