A voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world : performed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775
written by James Cook ; illustrated with maps and charts, and a variety of portraits of persons and views of places, drawn during the voyage by Mr. Hodges, and engraved by the most eminent masters
Printed for W. Strahan, and T. Cadell in the Strand, 1784
The fourth edition
"In which is included, Captain Furneaux's narrative of his proceedings in the adventure during the separation of the ships"
Pagination: v. 1. xl, 378 p., [37] leaves of plates (some folded) -- v. 2. [8], 396 p., [28] leaves of plates (some folded)
"A discourse upon some late improvements of the means for preserving the health of mariners ... by Sir John Pringle": v. 2, p. [365]-396