For this new edition of 'Paris from Above', in 'widescreen' format, Yann Arthus-Bertrand invites us on a privileged aerial journey over the city, represented by more than 200 previously unpublished photos. What it reveals is an intimate overview of streets, roofs, courtyards and monuments, a new look at Paris that captures the poetry of each individual district. The old Paris of Montmartre or Menilmontant; the historic Paris of emblematic mounuments like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame and Les Invalides; or the modern Paris of La Defense. Mounuments as they have never been seen berfore and may never be seen again. Philippe Tretiack is the narrator, explaining how Paris came to be; conjuring up its colour and music and revealing the city that lies beneath...Detailed captions describe the places great and small that make up present-day Paris.
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