An International Josephus Colloquium met in Haifa on 2 - 6 July, 2006. It gathered scholars from Japan, Germany, France, Norway, Italy, Britain, Israel, and the USA who represented different disciplines: bible, history, Judaism, and archaeology. The connecting structure of all the participants was the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. The fruit of this meeting is presented in twenty four articles and an introduction. Flavius Josephus: Interpretation and History is a multi-disciplinary collection of research on Josephus, the man, the historian, his era, and his writings. It will be of great use to scholars as well as the general public, who take an interest in the literary work of one of the most controversial figures of his era.
Kenneth Atkinson:
The Historical Chronology of the Hasmonean Period in the War and Antiquities of Flavius Josephus: Separating Fact from Fiction
Mordechai Aviam:
Socio-economical Hierarchy and its Economical Foundations in First Century Galilee: The Evidence from Yodefat and Gamla
Christophe Batsch:
Le Systeme Sacrificiel de Flavius Josephe au Livre III des Antiquites Juives (Ant. 3.224-236)
Miriam Ben Zeev:
Between Fact and Fiction:Josephus' Account of the Destruction of the Temple
Jhn Curran:
Flavius Josephus in Rome
Niclas Foerster
Bemerkungen zum Aufstand des Judas Galilaeus sowie zum biblischen Bilderverbot bei Josephus, Hippolyt und Pseudo-Hieronymus
Giovanni Frulla:
Reconstructing Exodus Tradition: Moses In The Second Book Of Josephus' Antiquities
Dov Gera:
Unity and Chronology in Josephus' Antiquities
Erich S. Gruen:
Polybius and Josephus on Rome
Gunnar Haaland:
Convenient Fiction or Causal Factor? The Questioning of Jewish Antiquity according to Against Apion 1.2.
Gohei Hata:
Where is the Temple Site of Onias IV in Egypt?
Tessel Jonquiere:
Josephus at Jotapata: Why Josephus Wrote What He Wrote
Aryeh Kasher:
Josephus on Herod's Spring from the Shadows of the Parthian Invasion
Samuel S. Kottek:
Josephus on Poisoning and Magic Cures or On the Meaning of Pharmakon
Etienne Nodet:
Josephus and Discrepant Sources
Eyal Regev:
Josephus, the Temple, and the Jewish War
Samuel Rocca:
The Purposes and Functions of the Synagogue in Late Second Temple Period Judaea: Evidence from Josephus and Archaeological Investigation
Gottfried Schimanowski:
Propaganda, Fiktion und Symbolik die Bedeutung des Jerusalemer Tempels im Werk des Josephus
Daniel R. Schwartz:
Josephus, Catullus, Divine Providence, and the Date of the Judaean War
Yuval Shahar:
Josephus the Stage Manager at the Service of Josephus the Dramatist: Masada as Test Case
Pnina Stern:
Josephus and Justus: The Place of Chapter 65 (verses 336-367) in Life, the Autobiography of Flavius Josephus
Michael Tuval:
A Jewish Priest in Rome
Jan Willem van Henten:
Constructing Herod as a Tyrant: Assessing Josephus' Parallel Passages
Jozsef Zsengeller:
"To be or not to be..."Historical Interpretation of 2Kings 17 in Josephus' Antiquities
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