Complete poems of Robert Southwell
[edited by Alexander B. Grosart]
(Fuller worthies' library)
British Museum Photographic Service
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
Reproduction of: Printed for private circulation 1872. c, 222 p. (British Library Catalogue 2326.d.6.)
For the first time fully collected and collated with the original and early editions and MSS. and enlarged with hitherto unprinted and inedited poems from MSS. at Stonyhurst College, Lancashire, and original illustrations and facsimles in the quarto form. Edited, with memorial-introduction and notes, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart, St. Geroge's Blackburn, Lancashire. Printed for private circulation 1872 -- original t.p.
AMS Press