Value Conflicts in Allocation and Care.- National Health Care Systems: Conflicting Visions.- National Health Care Systems: Concurring Conflicts.- National Health Care Systems.- An Ethical Evaluation of Health Care in the United States.- The Health Care System of the Federal Republic of Germany: Moral Issues and Public Policy.- The American and West German Health Care Systems: A Physician's Reflections.- Socialism, Equity, and Cost Containment in Health: The French Experience.- Ethics and Health Policy in the Netherlands.- Health in the U.S.S.R.: Organization, Trends, and Ethics.- The Public and Private Regulation of Health Care Markets.- Justice as Fairness or Fairness as Prudence?.- Macro-Allocation and Micro-Allocation.- Macro-Allocation in Health Care in the Federal Republic of Germany.- The Macro-Allocation of Health Care Resources.- Rights, Reasonable Expectations, and Rationing: A Commentary on the Essays of Ruth Mattheis and Baruch Brody.- Political-Medical Allocations in the Compulsory Health Insurance Program in the Federal Republic of Germany.- Micro-Allocation in the Health Care System: Fiscal Consolidation with Structural Reforms?.- Medical Micro-Allocation: Is and Ought.- Preventive Medicine, Occupational Health, and Future Issues.- Preventive Interventionism and Individual Liberty.- Improving Occupational Health in the Federal Republic of Germany.- A View from a Clinician's Window.- Epilogue.
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