The Gobhiliya Grihya Sutra : with a commentary by the editor (thoroughly revised)
edited by Chandra Kānta Tarkālaṅkāra
(Bibliotheca Indica : a collection of Oriental works, new ser. ; no. 1180 & 1188)
In house reproduction [manufacture]
2nd ed
गृह्यसूत्रम् : गोभिल-प्रणीतम् : महामहोपाध्याय श्रीचन्द्रकान्ततर्कालङ्कार- [i.e. श्रीचन्द्रकान्ततर्कालङ्कारभट्टाचार्य्यकृत-] भाष्यसहितम्
Reprint. Originally published: Calcutta : Printed by Hitavrata Chattopadhyaya at the Satya-Press, 1908
Asiatic Society of Bengal : Printed by J. Thomas 1848-