Administrative Law explains the constitutional principles of the subject. It brings clarity to this complex field of public law. The common law courts, government agencies, and Parliament have developed a wide variety of techniques for controlling the enormously diverse activities of twenty-first century government. Underlying all that variety is a set of constitutional principles. This book uses the law of judicial review to identify and to explain these principles, and then shows how they ought to be worked out in the private law of tort and contract, in the new Tribunals Service, and in non-judicial techniques such as investigations by ombudsmen, auditors, and other government agencies. The aim is to equip the reader to apply the constitutional principles to the problems of administrative law. Online Resource Centre Administrative Law is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre, which provides a unique resource for the subject.
The ORC features: - Notes on key cases - Links to reports of important judgments, legislation, and other resources - Suggestions for answering the questions in the text - Updates to the law - A guide to the literature of administrative law - An online glossary - A guide for teachers
- 1. Administration and the principles of the constitution
- 2. The rule of law and the rule of judges
- 3. Convention rights and administrative law
- 4. Due process
- 5. Impartiality and independence
- 6. Reasons: process and substance
- 7. Discretion and deference
- 8. Substantive fairness
- 9. Errors of law and control of fact finding
- 10. How to sue the government: judicial processes and judicial remedies
- 11. Standing: litigation and the public interest
- 12. The reconstruction of tribunals
- 13. Ombudsmen and other investigators
- 14. Torts
- 15. Contract
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