Spondylus in prehistory : new data and approaches : contributions to the archaeology of shell technologies
edited by Fotis Ifantidis, Marianna Nikolaidou
(BAR international series, 2216)
Archaeopress, 2011
Includes bibliographical references "The core of the book consists of papers that were first presented in a special session on "Spondylus in European prehistory: new data and approaches--a session on the archaeology of shell technologies", organized by the editors for the 13th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Zadar, Croatia, 18-23 September 2007"--Introd 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
B.A.R. , Tempvs Reparatvm , John and Erica Hedges : Archaeopress : British Archaeological Reports , BAR
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