Thrift and Thriving in America is a collection of groundbreaking essays from leading scholars across the humanities and social sciences on the seminal importance of thrift to American culture and history. Underpinning the rich diversity of disciplinary perspectives presented in this volume are two overarching claims. First, far from the narrow rendering of thrift as a synonym of saving and scrimping, thrift possesses a surprising capaciousness and dynamism.
Second, the idiom of thrift has, in one form or another, served as the primary language for articulating the normative dimensions of economic life throughout much of American history.
Thrift and Thriving in America puts thrift in this more expansive light where it reveals its rich and compelling etymology: thrift originally referred to the condition of "thriving." This deeper meaning has always operated as the subtext of thrift and at times has even been invoked to critique more restricted notions of thrift. So understood, thrift moves beyond the instrumentalities of "more or less" and begs the question: what does it mean and take to thrive? Examining how Americans
have answered this question not only provides insight into evolving meanings of material well-being, but also into the changing understandings of the good life and the good society more generally.
In these essays, thrift becomes a powerful, but evolving moral idea and practice that has indelibly marked the character of American life since its earliest days. Thrift remains, if perhaps in unexpected and counter-intuitive ways, a key to the complex issues of contemporary and economic life.
Chapter 1
Introduction: The Question of Thrift, James Davison Hunter and Joshua J. Yates
Part I: The Emergence of Thrift in Early America, 1630-1880
Chapter 2
The Controversial Virtue of Thrift in the Early American Republic, Daniel Walker Howe
Chapter 3
The Prehistory of American Thrift, Deirdre McCloskey
Chapter 4
Saving Grace and Moral Striving: Thrift in Puritan Theology, James Calvin Davis and Charles Mathewes
Chapter 5
Thrift and Prosperity, Stephen Innes
Chapter 6
Moderation in the First Era of Popular Consumption, Joyce Appleby
Chapter 7
Spreading the Gospel of Self-Denial: Thrift and Association in Antebellum America, Kathleen D. McCarthy
Chapter 8
African Americans, Slavery, and Thrift from the Revolution to the Civil War, Patrick Rael
Part II: The Modernization of Thrift: Years of Transition and Transformation, 1880-1950
Chapter 9
The Modernization of Thrift, T. J. Jackson Lears
Chapter 10
Thrift and Moral Formation, James Davison Hunter
Chapter 11
The Virtue of Consumption: Challenging Thrift in an Age of Transition, Lawrence B. Glickman
Chapter 12
Thrift and Advertising, Jennifer Scanlon
Chapter 13
Hard Payments: Consumer Credit and Thrift, Lendol Calder
Chapter 14
Mass Philanthropy as Public Thrift for an Age of Consumption, Olivier Zunz
Chapter 15
Immigrants and Thrift, David M. Reimers
Chapter 16
Saving for Democracy: Thrift, Sacrifice, and the World War II Bond Campaigns, Kiku Adatto
Part III: Thriving After Thrift? Prosperity & Crisis since 1950
Chapter 17
Why Do Americans Save So Little and Does It Matter?, Robert H. Frank
Chapter 18
The Rise and Fall of "Collective Thrift": Social Insurance, Economic Planning, and the Decline of Modern American Liberalism, Steven Fraser
Chapter 19
Middle-Class Respectability in 21st Century America: Work and Lifestyle in the Professional-Managerial Stratum, Steven Brint and Kristopher Proctor
Chapter 20
Thrift in the Other America, Wilson Brissett
Chapter 21
Thrift and Waste in American History: An Ecological View, J. R. McNeill and George Vrtis
Chapter 22
Disputing Abundance: The Antiglobalization Protest Movement and Our Changing Natural Imaginary, Joshua J. Yates
Chapter 23
Conclusion: Thrift & Thriving: Toward a Moral Framework for Economic Life, Joshua J. Yates and James Davison Hunter
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